Arts & Crafts

How to Make a Gear Bracelet – Junk Warrior Jewelry
Did you pass your Junk Warrior testing? Congratulations if you did! And now I assume you want one of these highly coveted gear bracelets that will identify you as a Junk Warrior. Get set to follow this easy tutorial to make your own!

Hanging Beaded Glass Flower Vases
Happy Independence Day America!
A few weeks ago I attended a birthday party for my niece at The Scrap Exchange in Durham. My kids had to drag me kicking and screaming out of there because I was in creative nirvana. There were all kinds…

Outdoor Patio Table Planter, Vase and Serving Station – a #LowesCreator Idea
Wanted: A better name for this invention I created!
What is it? I consider it a multi-purpose centerpiece for your umbrella-shaded patio table. But, it can also be a serving station for utensils and napkins. Add some water…

Make Your Own Customized File Bin with Mod Podge
I'm just curious if I'm the only person who loses sight of her desk every week? I spend Monday mornings clearing the clutter and figuring out my plan of attack for the week. I could really save that 30 minutes each week by corralling my…

Summer Calendar and Our Bucket List
I don't know whether to be excited or dread that yesterday was the last day of school for my boys. I have some summer camps lined up for them, but frankly our summer schedule is all over the place. So much so that I need help remembering…

How to Paint a Miniature House
Yesterday, I unveiled my mini-me house mailbox. I appreciate the kind comments (even it they were coerced ;-). )
Today, I wanted to give you a little tutorial on painting a mailbox to look like your house. If you can color in a coloring…

Stencil Myself a New Door Mat
I picked up this plain vanilla door mat a while ago at a thrift store. I knew I wanted to transform it into something stencil-tacular. But, I couldn't decided on the right pattern.
While at SNAP I was introduced to Royal Studio Design…

Creative Art Supply Storage
This week, I've been giving you a few glimpses of my true personality. I think I've mentioned before that I have a background in illustration. Well, we've known each other long enough, I think it's only fair that I show you a few…

Lamp Shade Makeover – DIY Talent Positively Splendid
I am amazed that we've had great weather for the entire two weeks of the DIY Talent Parade! Are you enjoying the parade so far?! Well, get ready to have your socks knocked off today. Our talented guest is an amazing multi-tasking mother of four.…

Silverware Wind Chime – DIY Talent Songbird
With a tweet and a whistle and a song in her heart, our next DIY Talent Parade participant is gliding....wait, no make that flying down the street! Whoa, well, I'm sure you've guessed by now that this talented gal is part avian. That's right,…

Painted Flower Garden Birdhouse Tutorial – DIY Talent Mural Maker
How was your weekend everyone? I had a truly fabulous weekend surrounded by some seriously creative and talented bloggers. I was in Salt Lake City, Utah attending the SNAP 2012 conference. Sadly, there was one blogger who is equally as creative…

Make Your Own Cloche – DIY Talent House of Hepworths
Oh my goodness, I can't contain my excitement!!! Here she comes: Allison from House of Hepworths. If Aretha is the Queen of Soul, Allison is the Queen of DIY!
Allison has been making over her home one DIY project at a time. She is…

Make Your Own Springtime and Easter Blue Bird Nest
My boys are off this week for Spring Break, so we'll be breaking out the craft supplies for sure! This is one of my favorite crafts for springtime. If you have time this week (or need to entertain your little chicks) definitely enlist some…

Industrial Work Table with Vintage Dictionary Top – Guest Post by Hammer Like a Girl
Y'all are gonna love today's guest post! Hammer Like a Girl is in the HOWZZ! Check out that industrial book page topped table that they created.
Today's guest post is brought to you by THREE handy gals! I'm seriously thinking about moving…

Adding Wallpaper for Windows to Stop the Peep Show
I'm about to share something a little embarrassing with the whole world. I confess to you that I regularly walk in my bathroom naked in front of the only window in our master bathroom!
Why would I do such a silly thing? Why? Well,…

Book Page Rose Wreath
Are you drawn to the amber color of aging book pages? Do you love the scrolling detail on an ornate ceiling medallion? Do you like roses? Yes, yes, and yes?! Well, this post has your name written all over it!
I must say, I really enjoyed…

Sculptural Branch Jewelry Display Holder
Okay, I admit it. I'm a little infatuated with branches lately. Maybe it is because winter is here and all those bare skeletons of trees have me fascinated. Or maybe it is because my neighbor has been taking down a lot of trees — which…

A Valentine’s Day Wreath from Tree Branches
When I saw this mirror frame Jaime from That's My Letter made, I was instantly head over heels in love with the branch circles.
Valentine's Day Wreath
So much so, that every branch I passed by I would think, "Hmmm, I wonder what…

Easy Decoupage Citrus Glass Plates
Today I want to share with you an easy craft tutorial. I call these my citrus themed glass plates.
Before my 4oth birthday party, I had been scouring the stores for some pretty citrus colored plates to serve sweets on. I was coming up empty-handed,…

DIY Wooden Hot Wheels Car Racing Ramp
Do you have a little free time over the Christmas break? How about taking some time to make a wooden racing track with your kiddos!
If you have boys, I'm sure you have Hot Wheels cars in your home. They go hand-in-hand. My boys play with…

Creative Gift Wrapping Day #5 – Polar Bear, Dove, Holly and a Sleigh
This is it, the last day of the Creative Gift Wrapping tutorials. I hope you have had fun with some of these creative gift wrap ideas. In case you missed any, here are the previous days of gift wrapping:
Day #1 - Monogram & Name Plaque

Creative Gift Wrapping Day #4 – Chalkboard Tags
What is better than a creative gift wrapped package? A creative gift wrapping that can be re-used again and again and again! Chalkboard tags made from foam board are adorable and can be used after the gift has been opened.

Creative Gift Wrapping Day #3 – Clustered Butterflies and 3-D Tree
Last night I invited two of my girl friends to wrap our Christmas presents together. We decided it was waaaaayyyyy more fun to wrap together than by ourselves Christmas Eve. We chatted and talked for hours! Before we knew it the clock had…

Creative Gift Wrapping Day #2 – Frosty and Rudolph Gift Wrap
Are you ready to have some fun today?! Making recognizable holiday characters is sure to be enjoyable. It brought me back to some preschool craft projects we used to do in school.
Black felt or black construction paper

Creative Gift Wrapping Day #1 – Using Elmer’s Holiday #GlueNGlitter Supplies
Every year I try to come up with new and creative ways to wrap Christmas gifts for my friends and family. For me, making beautiful packages is almost as fun as opening the gifts Christmas morning. In fact, I usually invite a few friends…

Tree Branch Ornaments by Laura Makes
Today I have a special guest with a special holiday project. Laura is going to show you how to make those adorable tree branch ornaments! But, first, let me tell you a little about Laura.
This is Laura with one of her four fur babies!

Dollar Tree Placemat Turned into a Snowman Flag with Tulip Shimmer
Brrrr! Anyone else experiencing the dipping temperatures? I really don't like the cold unless it is going to snow. If it snows, I'll put up with the sub-zero artic blast because I know we couldn't have snow without the cold. But, if it…

Beveled Glass Ornaments from an Old Brass Light
I had so much fun at the Habitat ReStore talk this past weekend. My favorite holiday decorations were these adorable beveled glass ornaments. Would you believe me if I told you that they began life as a dated octagon brass light fixture?

Video Tutorial for using Simply Screen – Free Printable
The holidays are at full throttle speed and my boys couldn't be more excited. Myself? I still haven't decorated the house — in fact — truth be told I let Pretty Handsome Guy and the boys bring in the tree and decorate it. But, I did…

Scrap Wood Christmas Tree using RIT Dye
Holiday decorating is in full swing in my house. We bought our tree today and Pretty Handsome Guy and the boys decorated it today while I worked on the cute little scrap wood Christmas tree above.
When I saw the scrap wood DIY Christmas…

PB Rustic Chalkboard Wall Organizer Copy Cat
I love a challenge. If you hold an object up to me and ask me how it can be transformed, I can usually name a few different things. So, when the Elmer's #Look4Less Challenge was introduced, I jumped at the opportunity!
For this challenge…

Handmade Holiday Decor eBook
Happy Day After Thanksgiving! I don't know about you, but despite the week I had last week, I am very grateful and thankful for modern medicine and trained surgeons who can take all the broken pieces and put them back together again. Humpty…

Coffee Lover’s Snowflake Gift Set using Martha Stewart Craft Stencils and Paints
Looking for a gift for those hard to buy people on your list? Or simply an inexpensive gift for your child's teachers? I found the perfect gift while grocery shopping. Our local Kroger had Illy ground coffee and tumbler sets on clearance.…

The 10 Minute Tooth Fairy Pouch
Things happen fast in my family. So fast that I can barely keep up. If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you probably saw that I spent Tuesday and Wednesday in the hospital with my youngest son. I looked away for an instant and he…

A Dry Erase Message Board from a Cabinet Door
Happy Monday morning y'all! I've been working like a busy bee this past month. So many projects! I need to clone myself so one of us can work on the projects like this dry erase message board and the other can write the posts. (Luckily…

Guest Posting at Positively Splendid – Swell Noël Gift Idea
Hey y'all, I spent the weekend clearing out our garage, painting it and building custom storage. If there was a nook in that garage, I utilized it! Like the storage underneath my router table, I added shelves and casters and now it is a rolling…

Trick or Treat Bags Using Elmer’s #GlueNGlitter and Recyclables
My kids like to raid our recycling bin. They make the most imaginative things out of milk jugs, strawberry pints and toilet paper rolls. In fact, my five year old has been making his own Halloween costume from paper bags and tape. So, when…

Make Your Own Decorative Mushrooms
Did you see the cute little red and white mushrooms in my terrariums that I made? They were super easy to make. I can show you how and this will only take a second.
Wooden dowel rod or stick
Acorn tops
KILZ spray…

Make Your Own Terrarium and Save Hundreds of Dollars
Terrariums are making a comeback in home décor. Gone are the octagonal mirrored terrariums. They have been replaced by sleak apothecary jars, tall cylinders and lidded glass vessels (to name just a few shapes.)
Twig Terrariums…

It’s a ScotchBlue Painting Party and a Cabinet Door Revamp
"It's a Party and I'll Paint if I Want to...Paint if I Want to... Paint if I Want To...You Would Paint Too if you had Scotch Bluuuueee!"
I think I'm going to call 3M ScotchBlue right now and suggest this as their new jingle. Kind of catchy…