
DIY Frosted Votive Candle Holders
DIY Frosted Votive Candle Holders
Hi, Pretty Handy Girl Readers! I’m back today with a super simple and inexpensive project that you can use for the upcoming holiday season. Or anytime, really! These DIY frosted votive candle holders…

How to Fake a Fake Pumpkin (Faux Painting Tutorial)
How to Fake a Fake Pumpkin
Have you seen those neon orange fake pumpkins and nearly vomited because you wouldn't dream of decorating with them. I mean—get real—everyone would know they were fake. Ah ha, but have you seen the price tags?…

Simple and Stylish DIY Fabric Tissue Box Cover
Hey Guys, happy Summer! I’m back today with another easy home project for you - a simple stylish DIY Fabric Tissue Box Cover.
I don’t know about you, but I think most tissue boxes are tacky. They stick out like a sore thumb in our…

How to Clean Your Windows like a Pro
How to Clean Your Windows like a Pro
Hi, Pretty Handy Girl Readers!! What's one way to improve both the interior look and exterior curb appeal of your home? Clean your windows! Not only do sparkling clean windows look amazing from the outside,…

DIY Oilcloth Drink Coasters
DIY Oilcloth Drink Coasters
Hi there! I’m so thrilled to be back today with this super quick and easy project. The weather in Seattle has been totally amazing lately and it’s got me thinking about summer. And, summer entertaining…

31 Inspirational DIY Farmhouse Decor Ideas
Inspirational DIY Farmhouse Decor
Many of us are still in love with the farmhouse style of decorating. It's warm, relaxing and full of character. Farmhouse style is a mixture of old and new pieces, bringing in a rustic and vintage feel, but…

How to Make a Felt Letter Pillow Cover
How to Make a Felt Letter Pillow Cover
Friends! I’m so excited to be back today with a new project for you, a DIY felt letter pillow cover. One of my favorite things to do is to scour home decor stores for inspiration for my kids' rooms.…

How to Update Ugly Recessed Can Lights with Energy Efficient LED Lights
Do you have those old discolored recessed can lights in your home that use big hot flood bulbs? If so, it's time for an upgrade!
How to Update Ugly Recessed Can Lights with Energy Efficient LED Lights
Today I want to show you how to update…

How to Make a SMOOTH Chalkboard Wall {For Imperfect Walls}
Have you ever wished you had a chalkboard wall in your home? But, those bumpy textured walls or damaged drywall are not smooth enough? Well, today I'm about to rock your world by showing you How to Make a SMOOTH Chalkboard Wall For Imperfect…

How to Paint a Laminate Table Top
How to Paint a Laminate Table Top
Do you have a laminate top dining table that you want to paint, but are not sure how to paint it so it will withstand the wear and abuse a table usually receives? I can help by showing you how I painted my…

Upcycle Idea: Turn a Soap Dispenser into a Vase
Upcycle Idea: Turn a Soap Dispenser into a Vase
Hello, Pretty Handy Girl Readers! I'm Julie from Love My Simple Home and I'm excited to be here as a new contributor and hanging with you! I have a passion for interior design and share affordable…

Two Ways to Fix a Screw that’s Too Long
Have you ever put new knobs on a cabinet only to find out that the screw is too long. It's a pain for sure. That little project that you thought would take a few minutes is now going to require a trip to the hardware store — or will it.…

Vintage Map Lampshade
Do you want to update a plain vanilla lamp shade? Do you have a vacation you want to remember? You can do both with this vintage map lampshade!
The process to create a Vintage Map Lampshade is easy, especially if your lamp shade is close…

Easy Peppermint Star Ornaments
Last year I made these Easy Peppermint Star Ornaments. They were a lot of fun to watch as they melted and fuzed into a snowflake ornament. My son asked if we could make them again this year. Because the kids are officially out of school…

How to Make an Air Conditioner Screen from Pallets
Hi friends. It's Jessica from Decor Adventures and I'm here to show you an easy project that will improve the look of your yard. If you are like me and are lucky enough to have central air conditioning in our home, but unlucky enough to…

Scrap Wood Industrial Ironing Board Rack
Hey there, everyone! It's Katie from Addicted 2 DIY again. Today, I have a project that is not only quick and easy to put together, but it's also made of scrap wood! My lumber rack is getting a bit full, so I've been on a scrap wood…

DIY Plywood Frame with Glass
They say necessity is the motherhood of invention. Today's project post on DIY Plywood Frames with Glass fits well with that saying. Jaime at That's My Letter here sharing how I took scrap plywood and made it into frames for my kids' silhouettes.…

Faking Wall-to-Wall Carpet with an Area Rug
The closet renovation is coming along nicely, even though I've only been able to work on it in fits and starts. After I added a new light switch for the closet, I added any missing insulation. Then I filled any and all gaps with Great…

Rustic Metal Magnetic Window Frame
I was really inspired by Laura Putnam's new book: DIY Rustic Modern Metal Crafts. I love the look of aged galvanized metal and knew that our home needed more of it. Today I'll share with you a tutorial to create your own Rustic Metal Magnetic…

Scrap Wood Shadow Box Frame
Okay all you woodworkers. You know as well as I do that you have an ever growing scrap wood pile that you don't want to throw away because you know you'll use it one day.
Well, today is that day! I challenge you to use some of that…

DIY Door Stop with Handle
Hi Pretty Handy Readers! Jaime here from That's My Letter sharing a quick and easy scrap wood project. Today I'll show you the step by step tutorial for how to make a DIY Door Stop with a Leather Handle.
They say necessity is…