Visit to Habitat for Humanity ReStore – A Peek Inside My Head
On Wednesday, I had the morning to myself since the kids were in summer camp. I decided not to work since it was my birthday. Most people would probably take the free morning to get a massage, or a pedicure, or go shopping. I chose the later.…
What’s In Your Toolbox? – What Every DIYer (or Homeowner) Should Own
When I was 18, and bought my first car, and thought I was the coolest girl in town with a little zippy sportscar – sorry, just a little trip down memory lane. My parents gave me my first tool kit. That tool kit is still with me today…
Top 10 Reasons to Do-It-Yourself
Top 10 Reasons to Do-It-Yourself!
Over the course of the last ten years writing this blog, I've met numerous people who have lamented that they wished they had skills like mine. Or have professed that they just didn't have it in their DNA…
Quick and Easy Bookcase Facelift – I’ve Got Your Back
Now that my re-upholstered office chair is complete, I wanted to address the dark looming bookcase that I sit next to. I am obsessed with natural light and the color of a room can really effect my mood. We recently painted our office and had…
Adding Nail Head Trim – Give me some bling!
If you are coming here from a link party, this is the final post on my Extreme Rattan Chair Makeover. Click HERE if you want to see the transformation from the beginning. This chair started out as an U-G-L-Y silver painted dining chair that…
Re-Upholstering the Chair Seat
The next step in my extreme rattan chair makeover is the upholstery. Time to give your tushie a new cushy!
Re-Upholstering the Chair Seat:
I removed the seat from the chair before I started any of the paint stripping and painting. Removing…
Make Me Beautiful – The Painting Step
Today I'll show you the painting technique I used on the chair I stripped yesterday.
Here is a list of suggested materials:
Tarp or drop cloth
Rubber gloves
Sandpaper (Fine & Medium grits)
Spray paint (optional…
Extreme Makeover for a Wooden Rattan Backed Chair
Extreme Makeover for a Wooden Rattan Backed Chair
This week I finally got around to giving my $5 yard sale chair a face-lift. My poor chair was covered in silver paint and a horribly stained green velvet seat. I won't even mention the glass…
Welcome to My First Blog Post!
Thank you for visiting This blog is for anyone who wishes they were handy and could make their own repairs, upgrades or become a true DIY-er at home.
I have always enjoyed beautifying things, especially my home. My idea…