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Anthropology Inspired Pendant Light – DIY Talent Shabby Creek Cottage

TGIF, TGIF, TGIF!  Can you hear the crowd chanting? Yup, it's Friday and today we have a real powerhouse of a DIYer in the Talent Parade. Here comes Gina with her baton in hand, she has the crowds on their feet and they are ready for a…
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How to Fix a Broken Lamp – DIY Talent Condo Blues

Can you hear the bass drum and the band playing? The DIY Talent Parade is in full swing now. Lisa from Condo Blues is striding this way and ready to show off her mad electrical skills. I recently met Lisa at Blissdom and she is a real fun…
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How to Spray Paint Brass Light Fixtures

The other day I showed you how to swag a chandelier. I think many of you fell in love with my sunny yellow light fixture (painted Summer Squash by Rustoleum.) Admit it, you fell for her! I will tell you how you can get your own! It shouldn't…
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How to Swag a Light Fixture

  Do you have a chandelier that is a little "off" in your dining room? Do you curse the electrician that didn't bother to think about centering a hanging light fixture? Yeah, me too! I  had this problem in our laundry room. Granted,…
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How to Add an Outlet Extender

  Today I am going to show you How to Add an Outlet Extender. On Monday I showed you how easy it is to install the Flow Wall panels. The only thing that will slow you down is if you run into a light switch or an outlet. But, that's…
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Show Stopping Beaded Chandelier Makeover – Guest Post by Modern Parsonage

  Welcome to our second Wednesday in 2012! Today I have a special guest for you: Bri from The Modern Parsonage is here to show you how she created that truly fabulous chandelier you see up there. But, before we get to the tutorial,…

How to Install Low-Voltage Landscape Lights

Installing low-voltage landscape lights has been on my "Want To Do" list for years now. I even bought some lights on clearance three years ago! Now that they are installed I'm kicking myself for waiting so long. They look so inviting. Materials: (contains…
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Changing Out a Light Fixture (Bye-Bye Hollywood Strip Light)

Have you had it with those ugly Hollywood light fixtures? The ones where the bulbs are lined up in a straight line staring you in the face? Did you know that you don't have to live with them? Even if you live in an apartment, you can switch…
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Backlighting a Cut Out Bookcase

I promised to show you how I lit my son's bookcase. It really isn't anything fancy. But, a promise is a promise. Here is the view of the back of the bookcase: I purchased the LED rope lights at Home Depot. They came with…
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New Light Fixtures to Light Up Your House Love

Earlier in the "Falling in Love with Your Home"series, we talked about increasing natural light. Today I will be expanding on the topic, but this time I'm talking about the man-made type of lighting! As I mentioned in my previous post,…
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A New/Old Foyer Light

I have been looking for the perfect foyer light about three years now. In the search, I removed an ugly dated hanging light and replaced it with this: Okay, it is a little better, but I still wasn't in love! And that is the key to the right…
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Creating Minnow Trap Light Pendants

On our last trip to the beach, I stopped in a hole-in-the-wall thrift shop. The store was musty, dirty and reeked of old cigarette butts. I'm still not sure why I was drawn into this store. But low and behold, this is what I found! The…
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Installing New Exterior Lighting

If you were here the other day to see my dormer window transformation, you may have seen my exterior lights. I'll be talking about Installing New Exterior Lighting today! Then again, maybe you didn't because they are miniscule! Not only are…
old outlet to new outlet
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Changing Out an Old Outlet

So, this is one of those not so pretty posts, but I promise it is Oh So Handy! Learn how to easily change out an old outlet. Changing Out an Old (UGLY) Outlet Our home was built in 1978 and most of our outlets are almond colored and many…
How to Rewire a hard-wired sconce light to a plug-in style light
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Rewiring a Hard-Wired Wall Sconce to a Plug-In Lamp

Today I'm going to show you a handy trick to turn any hard-wired light fixture into a plug-in style. And I'll even show you how to add an on/off roll switch. If you've been following the Pretty Handy Girl blog, you will recognize this…