I admit it, I believe in UFOs. I’ve seen them, honestly! I even captured a picture of two of them, see:

Yup, we have two UFOs that are frequently seen in our kitchen. Why did I purchase and install them when we first moved in? I’ll never know. Don’t get me wrong, they aren’t horrible, but they just don’t go with the casual country vibe I want in my kitchen. Read more

You may remember when we created our Summer calendar and bucket list. The boys really responded well to being able to see what was coming up on the calendar. And I enjoyed not having to pull up my Google Calendar on the computer whenever I was put on the spot for a play date. So, continuing to use a calendar in the kitchen was a no brainer. But, creating new calendars on poster board each month — although fun — seemed a bit tedious.

In a sheer stroke of genius suggested by Pretty Handsome Guy I decided to paint a chalkboard calendar on our fridge: Read more

Making your own colored chalkboard paint is nothing new. The first recipe I found was from Martha Stewart and it worked for me. Since then, I’ve made the recipe a few times, but now I eyeball the amount of unsanded grout I use until it has a cake batter consistency.

The first time I made the chalkboard paint, I freaked out a little because it was so lumpy. But, after working with the recipe several more times, I realized that this is somewhat normal. I figured you might like to see a little video clip showing the consistency of the colored chalkboard paint.

Here is a quick video to show you how I mix the colored chalkboard paint and the consistency I get: Read more

It’s official, we don’t have any babies or toddlers or young ones in our house anymore. Pardon me while I wipe the tears from my eyes. Nope we have boys. Long lean and fat free boys who like to run and do all sorts of death defying take years off of Mom’s life feats.

Talk of farts and laughing at poop jokes is common conversation in our home. Have you heard the one about the boy who went to the doctor? He told the doctor, “Doctor doctor, my bottom is broken. It has a crack in it.” Want to hear another one? I didn’t think so.

I’ve also noticed that my sweet little boys’ feet are slightly pungent 99% of the time (except for up to 30 minutes after bath time.)

These are the ages when they remember and know exactly what they want for their parties. When Pretty Handy Boy #2 asked to have a lizard themed birthday, you know I had to oblige. (Did you notice that subtle name change? He used to be Handsome Boy. Well, he’s still handsome, but he and his brother are getting to be very handy with the tools. Therefore, I’m renaming both my boys, going forward they will be known as Pretty Handy Boy #1 and #2.)

As I’m sure you know, lizard themed birthday parties are not exactly a common party choice. Running to the party store to pick up everything was a lost cause. (I didn’t think he’d accept Miss Spider plates and decorations.) With not a lot of time (and on a tight budget), this is what I came up with: Read more

This post has been running around in my head for quite a while now. I feel like you don’t really get to see the real me when you read my posts. You don’t get to see the me in my pajamas and messy desk (and dirty dishes) as I proof read the post I finished at 1am in the morning.

You don’t get to see the real me who rushes out the door to pick up my kids in my paint and sawdust spattered clothes.

And you don’t get to see the family that has been behind me from the beginning. You can thank my friend Roeshel from The DIY Showoff for giving me the old kick in the pants to finally share those pertinent details with you ;-).

Have you ever wondered who the real Pretty Handy Girl is? Is she tall is she short? I’m 5′ 6″. What’s her favorite food? Definitely dark chocolate! Is she a coffee or tea drinker? Coffee. Mac or PC? Been a Mac girl since 1990! And what really scares her? Read more to find out: Read more