You know the saying about not waiting for your house to be perfect to invite people over? Well, I realized that even though my porch is not 100% complete, I shouldn’t wait to invite y’all over.

I have wanted to spruce up our screened porch for 3 years now. Screen porches like Between Naps on the Porch have beckoned me from afar. I always knew I wanted to do something similar to Susan’s porch.

So, after living here for 4 years, I finally got around to giving the screen porch a much needed makeover.

This is basically a representative “before” picture taken the month before we bought the house.

After we moved in, it stayed the same except we had a white square table and chairs for meals on the porch. Slowly I have been furnishing and decorating the porch with fixtures and accessories like: Ladder Display Shelves, Beachy Coffee Table,  Minnow Trap Lights, Bamboo Painted Rug, Dream Big Butterfly Window, and my Garden Bench. My budget for this makeover was next to nothing, which presented a little bit of a challenge.

So, are you ready? Here is a tall glass of sweet tea with lemonade. Please come join me on my porch:

The two side chairs are actually from the table and chairs set. I just dressed them up with IKEA throw pillows. Someday I want to buy some wicker rockers to put in their place.

Remember the disgusting moldy coffee table I saved from the trash? There she is!

My favorite spot on the weekend. My Dad gave me this hammock for my 30th birthday and it is still in good shape after 10 years! Thanks Dad!

My semi-famous ladder display shelves I built from a $15 rickety old ladder.

The minnow trap pendant lights add the perfect amount of light after dark.

Were you wondering where I hung my Dream Big Butterfly window? Here she is:

That chippy little cabinet is the most expensive piece of furniture on the porch! I paid $85 for it at the flea market. It used to be a table, but someone cut off the legs and nailed boards to the sides and added a door to the front.

Such a great spot for catching up on my favorite magazines: Country Living, Better Homes and Gardens and Flea Market Style (the issue Layla and Kevin were recently in.)

Can you believe a neighbor was trying to get rid of this little decorator table? I gladly sprinted over to her house to pick it up. Then I draped a clearance shower curtain from Target over it. Yup,that is a shower curtain!

{Sigh} My favorite flower, blue hydrangeas.

Remember that purple garden bench? Well, she wasn’t weathering the constantly changing weather conditions, so I brought her in the porch and gave her some TLC and a few coats of paint. I just need to sew a cushion for her.

Thank you so much for coming over. I enjoyed our time together. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a date with a hammock. Zzzzzzz.






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  1. […] After some time, I repaired and re-painted the bench. To prevent further splitting, my bench spends its days on our screen porch. […]

  2. […] you come have a seat with me on our trash to treasure screen porch! And, may I offer you a tall glass of sweet […]

  3. […] with how her screen porch turned out that I’m thinking I might need to make some changes on our screen porch. Do you have a screen porch? If so, how much time do you spend out […]

  4. […] slipcovered cushion! Phew, say that 10 times fast. Won’t you come have a seat with me on our trash to treasure screen porch! And, may I get offer you a tall glass of sweet tea? Thank you so much to Amanda, Beckie, and Jen […]

  5. […] cute bench by Pretty Handy Girl looks great on her sun […]

  6. […] slipcovered cushion! Phew, say that 10 times fast. Won’t you come have a seat with me on our trash to treasure screen porch! And, may I get offer you a tall glass of sweet tea? Thank you so much to Amanda, Beckie, and Jen […]

  7. […] Un rincón especial que nos traiga recuerdos de las vacaciones junto al mar… Visto en Pretty Handy Girl […]

  8. […] My screen porch has a monochromatic palette. Using a variety of shades of blue with white creates a calming palette that’s easy on the eyes (and invites one to sit for a while and relax.) […]

  9. […] love the lighting and pops of color.   I love the pillows used on these chairs. Head over to Pretty Handy Girl to check out the reveal of her oh, so pretty porch.  I love the soothing […]

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