
Stamped Spoon Necklace

Today I have the honor of introducing the extremely creative KariAnne from Thistlewood Farms. She’s showing us one of my favorite gift ideas from her idea farm ;-). DIY Stamped Spoon Necklaces!


Hello Pretty Handy Girl readers! My name is KariAnne from Thistlewood Farms and I am so excited to be here today! In our family….every year is a handmade Christmas and I just love getting handmade gifts from family and friends.

Today, I want to show you how to make a simple gift for someone special this Christmas by transforming a vintage silverplate spoon into a necklace. You can personalize it with a date or names or a quote or an anniversary. Just be sure and stamp it from the heart.

How to Make a Spoon Necklace




  • spoon (at the risk of stating the obvious)
  • steel stamping block
  • hammer
  • silver stamps
  • jump ring
  • chain


Step 1:  Remove the handle of the spoon

Put the handle of the spoon in a vice grip and use a hack saw (or Dremel with a metal cutting wheel) to saw off the handle. Use a metal file to file down any rough edges.

Step 2:  Flatten the spoon with a rubber mallet

Hammer the spoon until flat. You will still have some bumps when you finish. It’s okay. They’re called character.

Step 3:  Drill hole for necklace

Clamp flattened spoon down and drill a hole through the silver. Use a small drill bit. Don’t drill too close to the edge. File any sharp edges with a metal file.

Step 4:  Choose the size of the stamps you want to use


Here are the three sizes of stamps I have.

  • 1/4 (largest)…..all caps.
  • 5/64 (2mm) (medium)…..all caps.
  • 3/32 (smallest) …..lower case.

I used the 1/4 for the NANA necklace and the 5/64 for the name necklace.

Step 5:  Stamp spoon


Place spoon on the stamping block. Hold the silver stamp where you want the letter to go and hit hard with a hammer several times. Sometimes you have to flip the spoon over and flatten it again when the edges curl up slightly.


Step 6:  Fill in letters with a fine-tipped sharpie


After you finish stamping….the letters will be a little hard to see. Just trace each letter with a fine-tip sharpie.

Step 7:  Add the jump ring and chain


I really like the jump rings that resemble key chains. They are so much easier to use. I buy the chain in extra long strands from Hobby Lobby and use needle nose pliers to adjust it to fit.

Here’s what it looks like when it’s finished and ready to be tied with a bow and placed under the Christmas tree.

Stamped Spoon Necklace

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!



Thank you so much KariAnne, those are truly beautiful gifts!

And now just a little announcement! A big congrats to Jody & Tai who were chosen as the winners of the $100 giveaway! Hopefully they’ll find some gift ideas (or spend it on themselves!)

Congratulations gals and thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

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DIY Stamped Necklace | Pretty Handy Girl


All the Très Frugal DIY Gift Ideas can be seen here.

7 replies
  1. Colleen Taylor
    Colleen Taylor says:

    I love that! Never ever would have thought of something so clever. I looked for these stamps awhile back but I thought they were quite expensive. I think it was at JoAnn’s but can’t quite remember now. This would be great for any occasion all year round. Thanks for the great post & ideas!

  2. Tina Harrell
    Tina Harrell says:

    Hi…I love your work. I have been wanting to start stamping jewelry like this. Can I ask what you use and where you get your tools? Thank you


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  2. […] DIY Stamped Spoon Necklace from Thistlewood Farms Source: – […]

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