
Being a Lowe’s Creative Ideas blogger is one of my favorite jobs as a DIY blogger. I love walking the aisles of Lowe’s, with my provided gift card in hand, dreaming of finding mundane objects to transform into amazingly beautiful objects. For example, what do you get when you cross an ice bucket with a stove pipe connector?


You get a beautiful outdoor planter!


Oh you totally guessed that didn’t you?!

(I’ve included affiliate links for your convenience. I earn a small percentage from a purchase using these links. There is no additional cost to you. You can read more about affiliate links here.)



Prime the exterior of the ice bucket with primer.


Tape off the top of your ice bucket (this eliminates the need to bend the stencil under the bucket rim.) Tape your stencil to the outside of the bucket.


Pounce paint on top of the stencil. It may not be perfect, but it will still look good. Move the stencil and tile it around the bucket. (Because of the tapered shape of the bucket, the pattern won’t line up when you reach the other side. But, that’s okay, you can turn that side away from view if you like.)


Remove the painter’s tape and paint a coordinating color along the top edge.


Drill at least three holes into the bottom of the ice bucket for drainage.


Spray the entire bucket with a protective clear sealant.


Time to fill your planter with beautiful flowers and a gazing ball. Start by filling the bottom of the bucket with rocks to prevent the soil from escaping and to aid drainage. Add potting soil. Set the pipe connector in the center and fill in around it with plants. Set a gazing ball on top of the stove pipe and it will appear to float above the plants.


Water the flowers and set it in a sunny spot to enjoy as the warm spring breezes move into your part of the country.


I intentionally used a Moroccan style stencil by Royal Design Studio to coordinate with the outdoor pillow I made (tutorial and fabric source coming soon.)


The gazing ball is actually a gift from a good friend of mine. She thought I should just set it in the garden amongst the plants, but I knew my little soccer players may have other plans for this beauty!


Instead, she now holds a place of honor perched above the planter. (Of course, I know a day will come when an errant soccer ball will dethrone her.)

How are the temperatures in your area? We finally had some seasonally appropriate temperatures this weekend and you know I spent some time relaxing out here.


Want some more spring gardening ideas? Check out Lowe’s Creative Ideas for free ideas and plans:



Disclosure: I was provided with a Lowe’s gift card to purchase supplies for this post. I was not told what to write. All ideas and words are my own.


10 replies
  1. Jacque
    Jacque says:

    I love this! The first time I tried to make a planter out of an old wash bucket I forgot to drill holes in the bottom – DOH! Let’s just say my flowers did not fair well!


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  1. […] conversation piece to your next garden party. Be sure to see the step-by-step instructions for the stenciled outdoor planter using the Chez Sheik Furniture Stencil from the perfectly sized Furniture Stencils & Supplies […]

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