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How to Patch Spots in Your Grass (The Easy Way)

Welcome back to the Spring Olympic events. We are here in Handy Stadium which is home to numerous sporting events including: football, soccer, 25 yard dash, off-road cycling and you can’t forget father/son wrestling.

As you can see, we have yards and yards of pristinely manicured blades of grass.

Wait a cotton pickin’ minute, is that a….

…no it can’t be…

OH MY GOODNESS! It’s a bald spot!!!

Quick! Call in the reinforcements. A bald patch has been spotted on the field. This calls for some quick thinking and some professional help.

Maintaining the lawn in our stadium is a very important job. If a bald spot is left for two long it will attract the work of two mischievous boys with sticks and water who like to make a small spot into a gaping mud hole!

In all seriousness, when I was in Portland at Pennington Grass Seed, they introduced us to One Step Complete.

This is a product specifically created to help produce new grass effortlessly and with quick and lush results. The cool thing about this product is that it uses Smart Seed (genetically engineered to be 80% thicker with half the water), fertilizer and mulch all-in-one. Plus, the Penkote coating on the grass seeds protects them from disease.

(I’ve included affiliate links for your convenience. I earn a small percentage from a purchase using these links. You don’t have to pay any additional cost. You can read more about affiliate links here.)

To Patch Spots in Your Grass, you will need:


  • Pennington 1 Step Complete (Choose your variety: Dense Shade, Sun & Shade, or Tall Fescue)
  • Rake or tiller
  • Gloves
  • Compost or amended soil (if you have very poor soil)
  • Water
  • Helper (optional)

Here are the steps to repairing your “VIP” lawn. I asked my five year old son gardener to demonstrate for you:

1. Remove any leaves or debris. Rake or till the soil to loosen the top layer.

2. If you have extremely poor non-draining soil (Southern Red Clay!) you’d be wise to add a little compost or amended soil. Then till it slightly into the ground. (If your soil is okay, you can skip this step because the One Step Complete has the mulch built right into the mixture.)

3. Spread the grass seed mixture 1/8″ thick onto the tilled soil.

4. Water the seed mixture thoroughly. Check the seed daily and maintain the moisture. If the mulch appears light green, add more water.

5. In a week to two you should start to see some little stubbly sprouts coming up. Continue to water until your grass has established and sets down roots.

As the grass continues to grow the mulch will start to break up and work its way down around the base of the grass.

Before long, your repair patch will blend in with your existing grass.

And you’ll have a lush spot-free lawn again. The 1 Step Complete worked so well, I had to really search for the new grass so I could take an after picture.

Here is a close up of the patched grass. You can barely make out the thinner juvenile grass blades.

And now, let the games begin! Super easy way to Patch Spots in Your Grass

Disclosure: Pennington Seed, Inc. and their parent company Central Garden & Pet partnered with bloggers such as me to help educate us all about grass seed. As part of this program, I received compensation and was hosted by the company for a kickoff event. They did not tell me what to what to say about the use of the products. Central Garden & Pet believes that consumers and bloggers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. Central Garden & Pet’s policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, FTC guidelines and social media engagement recommendations.


92 replies
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  1. Stephanie
    Stephanie says:

    We use our lawn for playing and spending time with the family. But the most use comes from my 8 year old son playing soccer on it!

  2. Natalie
    Natalie says:

    We mostly use our yard as a playground for our 19 month old son. He likes to run around like a little mad man!

  3. Natalie
    Natalie says:

    Left a comment on FB…we really needed this post. We have a 3’x3′ dirt square in our backyard after we took out a raised bed.

  4. Dianne
    Dianne says:

    I watched the video. Working hard trying to get my grass back after the intense heat killed most of it last year. huge brown spots of dead grass.

  5. DRTVrMoi
    DRTVrMoi says:

    Our lawn is my husband’s and dog’s domain. Those two spend every sunny day in the yard. Hubby tends to the grass, the dog romps and I watch them from the window. It’s the best show in town.

  6. Jess
    Jess says:

    We use our front AND back yard every day for racing, croquet, water slide in the summer, tether tennis, soccer, baseball, you name it. I am always attempting to patch our bald spots. I would love to try this! Thanks

  7. Charlie
    Charlie says:

    Right now ours is mostly just an ant farm. 🙁 I’d LOVE to have some lush green lawn for my kiddos to play on and not be embarrassed to invite people over for backyard bbq’s!



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