Free printable moving checklist - the only checklist you'll need for a successful move

Free Printable Moving Checklist Plus Essential Tips

I am originally from the East Coast, moved to the West Coast, and now I’m back on the East Coast. That makes this the 2nd time I’ve officially moved cross country and I guess that makes me a bit of an expert at this point. Today I’ll share my FREE Printable Moving Checklist plus some essential tips for moving.

Free printable moving checklist - the only checklist you'll need for a successful move

Free Printable Moving Checklist plus Essential Tips

Hello, Everyone! This is Karen back with a freebie and some tips if you are getting ready to move. The past few weeks have been extremely busy for me – I moved cross-country! Needless to say—my life has been a little crazy lately.

Free Printable Moving Checklist:

I decided to put my knowledge down on paper with this free moving checklist for you. There is so much to remember when you’re moving, let alone moving to a whole new state, so I hope this checklist and these tips help you along your way.

1. Take a Few Days Off Work

While not possible for everyone, if you can take some time (even a few days) off work, it will be extremely helpful. It can be challenging to move and unpack while having to also keep up with work and jump on conference calls. Having a few days to solely focus on moving will be important for your sanity! If you can plan time off up against a weekend, that’s even better.

2. Get a Copy of Medical Records

This was a hard lesson learned for me. I thought it would be simple to get a copy of my children’s medical records via email! I was wrong! Due to HIPPA, you have to fill out forms and fax them or drop them off to your old doctor’s office. Then, it can take up to two weeks for medical records to be mailed to you.

In turn, this can make registering kids for school difficult as some states require children to have a health assessment before enrollment. And doctors’ offices often require medical records before they can provide a health assessment. Now you understand why it’s important to get your medical records before moving.

Plan ahead by getting a copy of your medical records a month or so before you leave.

3. Make Repairs to your Home Before Moving In

Home Repair book plumbing example

Moving is an exhausting process. After traveling, arriving at your new home, unpacking, and getting acquainted with your surroundings, the last thing you want to do is make repairs. Plus, it’s a great feeling unpacking and settling into a move-in ready home. If possible, get the seller to make the repairs. Or schedule a handyman (or handywoman) to make repairs before moving in. Finally, if you choose to DIY the repairs, know that there are a plethora of tutorials here on to help you fix it! (Here’s a link to electrical, plumbing, doors, and other home repairs.)

4. Get Window Coverings

(I’ve included affiliate links for your convenience. I earn a small percentage from a purchase using these links. There is no additional cost to you. You can read more about affiliate links here.)

Although often overlooked, making sure you have window coverings is kind of essential in my opinion. If you’re moving into a house that’s been lived in before, chances are blinds will be pre-installed. However, occasionally the sellers will take their curtains with them. This is especially true for new construction. Blinds are typically your responsibility to install. Make sure you’ve worked figured out if there will be window treatments or you need to provide them before moving – at least in the areas you need privacy or darkness for sleeping. Home Depot and Amazon sell temporary paper shades that you can attach for quick privacy. If you’ve never installed blinds or curtain rods, it’s easy if you follow this tutorial.

5. Pack an Essentials Box

Trust me on this one! When you have 25 or 50 or more boxes, you will forget where the essential items are. Set aside the things you’ll need and take this with you when you move in. That way, you’ll have all essentials at hand and won’t have to go digging for a pair of scissors or resort to open wrapped boxes with your teeth.

Luckily for you, I gave you a whole list of essentials you might need on moving day. Check off each one as you pack it and you’ll be set to go.

6. Pack Food

Easy Pumpkin Dip

This tip goes along with the essentials box. You will get hungry at some point, so pack a small sack of food that you can munch on while moving and unpacking. Nutrigrain bars, bottled waters, salty snacks, dried fruit, and cereals are good to pack because they won’t go bad and they don’t need refrigeration. And if you are moving into a new construction home, you might not have a refrigerator installed yet!

7. Keep Important Documents with You

You must bring your important documents with you, DO NOT PACK them in a box. When you get to your new home, put them somewhere safe, like in a secure locked safe that’s fireproof. Order one from Amazon and have it delivered to your home around moving day. Here’s another tip: bolt your safe to the wall or a heavy piece of furniture when you get time. If your home is burglarized, a thief can’t just pick up your safe and walk off with it.



To download your free printable moving checklist, click here.

Stay tuned after I get unpacked because I will be continuing with the watercolor series as soon as I get that box unpacked, wherever it is right now!  🙂

Good luck and see you next month!

Free printable moving checklist - the only checklist you'll need for a successful move

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See More of Karen’s Tutorials ~

karen from decor hintHello!  I’m Karen, the creator of the Home Decor and DIY Blog: Decor Hint. I’m a Native of the East Coast, but I currently live in beautiful Seattle with my hubby, our two wonderful children, and our spunky wheaten terrier.

You can usually find me with some sort of craft in one hand and a coffee in the other. And I’m always rearranging furniture or moving lamps from room to room. I have a passion (read: obsession) for decorating, DIY, and gardening. In short, I love making my house into a home.

Like many, I’m inspired by what I see in home decor magazines, but I’m not so inspired by the price tags.  Consequently, I love finding and creating beautiful budget-friendly home decor items. In a head to head competition, I bet you’d never know the difference between the designer items and my DIY creations!  Many of my DIY projects focus on sewing, crafting, upcycling and organizing. Some of my favorite projects have been making pretty wreaths, sewing my own tassel hand towels, and crafting these trendy wood bead garlands. I can’t wait to inspire you and spark your creativity through my DIY projects.

You can always connect with me on Pinterest, Twitter or Instagram.

1 reply
  1. JO
    JO says:

    THANKS FOR THIS ONE!!! It will soon be put into good use – whether for a move nationally or internationally – at this stage we are not sure, but move we must!! A quick glance at your tips tells me that they will come in very handy!! THANK YOU!!!


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