How to Clean INSIDE Your Oven Door
Okay, it’s a New Year and many of us are cleaning up after the holidays and the baking frenzy. Do you have some random drips that somehow made their way inside your oven door?
That impossible to reach location sandwiched between the glass. How does that happen?! Well, I’m going to show you how to access inside your oven door and clean that sneaky drip.
- Screwdriver
- Towel
- Rags
- Window cleaner
- Razor blade
Optional: Scour Off or non-toxic oven cleaner
First remove the bottom drawer of your oven.
Brace yourself for what you’ll find under there. Marbles, toy cars, dust bunnies, you name it. Might as well get the vacuum out to tackle under there while you have the drawer out (if you Give a Mouse a Cookie. Right?!)
Look underneath the oven door and locate two (or more) screws holding the glass frame.
Lay your towel under the door (this will hopefully cushion the glass and protect it from breaking should it slip or fall.)
Use the screwdriver to remove the screws almost all of the way.
Keep one hand on the glass (or better yet get a helper to hold the glass) as you remove the two screws completely. Gently lower it onto the towel.
Clean the inside of the glass with a rag and glass cleaner.
While the inner glass is exposed clean that as well.
And if you are inspired to truly complete the job, use some scour off to clean the inside of the door and the oven.
It works great on the glass stove tops too.
And finally, if you need to get gook out of the crevices in the door frame, you can use a razor blade to scrape out dirt and grime.
Re-assemble the glass frame by repositioning it and screwing the screws back in. Voila, no more unsightly drips! You have a clean oven inside and out.
Anyone for a game of marbles now?
Now it’s on to the 350 other things that need to be cleaned after the holidays. Time to purge and organize. You may enjoy my friend Becky’s posts on organizing your home!
can i hire someone to this this cleaning, i was told not to try and take my oven door off.
Not sure, check with the manufacturer.
Regarding the double glass door on the micro wave oven, I have been told this is a sealed unit and not to be tampered with. I have been thinking about getting a mirrored like contact paper and just covering the glass panel. So far haven’t been able to locate contact paper of that sort. Any suggestions would be appreciated
I’ve squinted at every picture above to try to read the brand on your stove but had no luck. I’m hoping my Kenmore will come apart as easily. What brand do you have?
Janice, it’s a Frigidaire. Look at your oven and see if you can find the screws to remove your glass.