30 Amazing DIY Mirrors
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30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

30 Amazing DIY MirrorsHere are 30 amazing DIY decorative mirrors to suit any taste or style (not to mention budget.)

A mirror is a great asset when decorating a home. They’re functional and placed strategically they can visually enlarge a space. Decorative mirrors do double duty as beautiful pieces of art.

Starburst/Sunburst Mirrors

No matter which celestial body you choose to call them, these trendy mirrors add a sparkle to any wall.

Wood Shim Starburst Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

 1. Wood Shim Starburst Mirror by Infarrantly Creative
Beckie used wood shims to create this beauty at a fraction of the cost of similar mirrors sold in stores

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

DIY Sunburst Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

2.  DIY Sunburst Mirror at K Sarah Designs
 Another lovely mirror similar to the Harleston Wall Mirror from Target created again with wood shims, but a completely different look.

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

DIY Sunburst Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

3. DIY Sunburst Mirror at Catie’s Corner
Catie started with a round mirror and added over 100 kabob skewers to create a silver sunburst. Target’s Metal Sunburst Mirror has a similar look.

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

4. Lighted Starburst Mirror at DIY Show Off
Echoing my thought that you can’t have too much bling at Christmas, Roeshel made a lighted starburst mirror tree topper.


Thinking Outside The Box Frames

This next group of mirrors shows that, with a little creativity, all kinds of materials make unique and beautiful frames.

PVC Ring Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

5. PVC Pipe Mirror at Thrifty and Chic
Who would ever imagine that PVC pipe would make such fabulous contemporary mirror frames?

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

Angel Food Cake Pan Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

6. Angel Food Cake Pan Mirror at Design Share
On your next thrift store visit, you might want to check out the kitchen section. This fluted pan makes a fabulous mirror frame that is both vintage and modern.

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

Chrysanthemum Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

7. Chrysanthemum Mirror by Addicted2Decorating
Imagine waking up one day and thinking, “I’m gonna grab a bunch of plastic spoons and make a pretty chrysanthemum mirror.” No, not me either. We don’t have to because Kristi already did and she has a fabulous DIY tutorial to make your own. Target sells a similar mirror here.

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

Wood Rounds Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

8. Wood Rounds Mirror by That’s My Letter
Jaime brings a touch of nature into any room with wood rounds of varied diameters. Stunning!

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

Wood Disk Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

9. Wood Disk Mirror by Rachel Bishop Designs
As one of Rachel’s readers said about this mirror, “It’s a great balance between geometric and organic.”

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

Yellow Pencil Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

10.Yellow Pencil Mirror by MosaicWorks
You’ll have to look closely to see that this stunning burst of yellow is created with pencils.

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

Stars & Stripes Pencil Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

11. Stars & Stripes Pencil Mirror at MosaicWorks
Karen didn’t stop with yellow pencils, thankfully, and used red, white and blue for a patriotic work of art.

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

Ruler Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

12. Wood Ruler Mirror by MosaicWorks
“Bigger is better, especially with mirrors,” says the gifted artist, Karen. She’s not kidding either. This wood ruler mirror measures close to 7 feet tall!

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

Color Wheel Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

13. Color Wheel Mirror by MosaicWorks
A recent guest here at Pretty Handy Girl, this collection of mirrors wouldn’t be complete without including this incredible mosaic mirror.


It’s All in the Details

You can add your own style or flair to a mirror frame as these talented DIYers did.

Mosaic Tile Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

14. Mosaic Tile Mirror at Sand and Sisal
Soft in tone, these tiny mosaic squares echo the tranquility of sand and surf.

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

Zebra Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

15. Zebra Mirror at Just a Girl
Or maybe you prefer something more wild? With the contrasting black and white zebra print, this mirror still offers a classic effect.

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

Rope Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

16. Rope Mirror at The Shabby Creek Cottage
Rope spiraled around a mirror provides organic texture and interest.

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

Cool DIY Framed Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

17. Cool DIY Framed Mirror by Sawdust Girl
 Sandra built a frame around a standard builder’s mirror and then added some wood strips for detail. Did you know she offers DIY Coaching for building projects?

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

15 Dollar DIY Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

18. $15 DIY Mirror by Shanty2Chic
You’d never guess that  Ashley built this mirror in about an hour for only $15? So shanty and chic.

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

Dressed Up Bathroom Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

19. Dressed Up Bathroom Mirror at Not JUST a Housewife
 Stacy shows how to add some pizazz to a medicine cabinet mirror with a custom built frame.

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

DIY Unique Turquoise Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

20. DIY Unique Turquoise Mirror at All Things Thrifty
Would you ever imagine that this gorgeous turquoise mirror was made by hand? From concept to completion, Brooke shows all of the steps.

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

DIY Rope Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

21. DIY Rope Mirror by The Happy Homebodies
 Jordan used a couple rolls of polished hemp to give her thrift store mirror a warm and rustic look.

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

Wood Shim Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

22. DIY Wood Shim Mirror by House of Hepworths
 Allison was inspired by a mirror on Pinterest and the built this huge wood shim mirror with a wonderful rustic quality.

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

French Style Trumeau Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

23. French Style Trumeau Mirror at Southern Revivals
This lovely trumeau mirror was crafted completely by hand using found objects and wood accents.

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

Convex Mirrors | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

24. Styrofoam Convex Mirror at DIY Show Off
Roeshel made these convex mirrors out of Styrofoam wreaths. Amazing! And using convex mirrors offers an unexpected stylish twist.

Alter or Create Mirrors

Other options for creating decorative mirrors are to create your own or alter an existing mirror.

Songbird DIY Vintage Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

25. How To Alter a Mirror by Songbird
Marianne removed part of the mirror’s backing to create peek-a-boo spots with glimpses of an old fifties fashion magazine. Be still my heart, I love this understated style.

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

Make An Outdoor Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

26. Make An Outdoor Mirror at Home Stories A2Z
Beth actually made her own mirror, hung it on the fence and now it reflects her lovely garden. So clever!

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

Monogrammed Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

27. Monogrammed Mirror at DIY Show Off
This monogrammed mirror is just stunning. So simple, yet what visual impact it creates.

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

Overscale Hand-Antiqued Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

28. Overscale Hand-Antiqued Mirror at Salvage Savvy
This large antiqued mirror is actually comprised of 12″ square mirror tiles. What a statement it creates!

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

Spraypainted Doily Lace Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

29. Spraypainted Doily Lace Mirror by Paper & Stitch
Have you noticed the comeback that lace is making? Brittni created a lovely delicate ‘frame’ by using a doily as a stencil.

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

Vintage Window Mirror | 30 Amazing DIY Mirrors

30. Vintage Window Mirror by DIY Show Off
This vintage mirror began as an old window. What a fantastic way to repurpose!

Have you DIY’d a mirror? Or do you want to? What do you have in mind? Target has a 24″ round mirror and a frameless door mirror that will help you get started on your next DIY mirror projects. (affiliate link)

*Please respect each DIY blogger and their creative efforts by pinning directly from their blogs.

So you like decorative mirrors? How about windows? Here are 10 Ways to Use Old Windows!

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

30 Amazing DIY Decorative Mirrors

– learn more about Colleen-


25 replies
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  1. Novie
    Novie says:

    Decorative mirrors can be crazy expensive. DIY-ing it can cut down the cost to a mere fraction plus it’s a great experience too. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

    – Novie


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  1. […] even if your bathroom is small. You can easily get a plain mirror and decorate it with some cool DIY projects later on, so that it matches the overall aesthetics you have going […]

  2. […] Instead of buying one of those bland frameless mirrors from the tradesman aisle at Bunnings Warehouse, get one with a little personality. An interesting mirror doesn’t have to cost the moon, there are dozens of unique treasures to be found in flea markets and on eBay, or you could try one of these DIY ideas. […]

  3. […] sun-ray sort of frame that you can create using sticks, spoons, etc. Check out this amazing blog by apartmenttherapy.com for some cool ideas on mirror […]

  4. […] rods or even wooden dowels to create the effect of sunlight around a circular mirror and frame. Be inspired by tutorials online, and paint frames or other pieces with Ardenbrite Metallic Paint (Solvent Based) for a truly […]

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