Easy and Inexpensive Romantic Curtains | Pretty Handy Girl
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Easy and Inexpensive Romantic Curtains

Easy and Inexpensive Romantic Curtains | Pretty Handy Girl

Are your windows naked? What’s holding you back? Don’t have the funds to buy some? Don’t have the time to sew some? I have the instant cure for your naked windows. Get ready to make your own easy and inexpensive romantic curtains! Best of all, you don’t have to sew a thing!


  • 2 Flat twin sheets from Walmart ($4.97 ea.)
  • 10 Curtain ring clips


Fold your bed sheet in half lengthwise at the top edge. Pleat the left corner and clip a ring over the pleats approximately 2-3 inches below the top edge.

Easy & Cheap Curtains | Pretty Handy Girl

Pleat and add another clip at the fold. Gather another pleat halfway between your two clips and add a third clip.

Easy & Cheap Curtains | Pretty Handy Girl

Pleat and add a fourth and fifth clip halfway between clips 1,2 & 3.

Easy & Cheap Curtains | Pretty Handy Girl

Unfold the sheet and repeat the process on the un-clipped side. When you are done you should have ten clips evenly spaced across the top of the bed sheet.

Easy & Cheap Curtains | Pretty Handy Girl

Hang the curtain from your drapery rod and let the bottom pool on the ground.

Easy and Inexpensive Romantic Curtains | Pretty Handy Girl

Easy and inexpensive romantic curtains!

Easy and Inexpensive Romantic Curtains | Pretty Handy Girl

If you wanted to jazz them up you could add ribbon trim with fusible webbing. Or use a stencil to paint a design on your curtains. For now I’m enjoying the casual elegance.


10 replies
  1. BrightNest
    BrightNest says:

    Fantastic post Brittany! We have been looking for a no-sew project for a long time and this is just perfect. Who would have thought that bed sheets from Walmart could turn into some great curtains like that! Did you end up adding any ribbon trim?

  2. Bobbyanne
    Bobbyanne says:

    Hiya! I have exactly the problem, I have an oddly shaped windoe which would mean expensive custom curtains, so this looks great! But I can’t tell how you’ve attached the clips, do they actually go through the fabric? do I need to snip some little holes?
    Thanx! x

    • Brittany Bailey
      Brittany Bailey says:


      The clips are just tension. They have little points on the end, so it holds the fabric between them. No need to cut holes and the sheets can be used as sheets again at a later date.

  3. fabulosa
    fabulosa says:

    Does this cover the whole window, or is just for decor?? I think mine is more or less the same with, but I will like to cover the whole window when they are close. The idea of the pleats is great. Thanks.

  4. chris aka monkey
    chris aka monkey says:

    my left brain must be dead or is creativity on the right lol i have used sheets and clips but never thought of pleats handy tip girl xx


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