DIY Anthropologie Inspired Pillow
Hi there! It’s Melissa from The Happier Homemaker back again this month with a super easy knock off project today.
I don’t know about you but I just love looking at stores and catalogs for my DIY inspiration. I recently saw a gorgeous Anthropologie octopus pillow online but one look at the $168 price tag and I knew it would not be making an appearance in my living room! I knew right away that I could DIY my own version for significantly less and am in love with how it turned out!
- Inexpensive Tea Towels (I bought mine from Walmart-2 for less than $5)
- Black Sharpie marker
- White Thread
- Poly-Fil
- Sewing Machine
If you feel comfortable drawing, use the inspiration picture to sketch out an octopus approximately 11″ wide. If you need a little help in the art department you can download a scan of my sketch here. (You will need to tape the two scans together to get the full sized design.)
Trace over the sketch with a permanent marker…no need to trace every single small detail, and don’t worry if it isn’t perfect-it’s meant to look like a sketch!
Iron your tea towel and lay it over the sketch. You will be able to see the design easily through the towel!
Take your time and slowly trace your sketch to the towel with the permanent marker. Be sure to hold the towel taunt as you sketch each area and stop periodically to make sure your design is lining up properly.
Once your design is transferred fold the towel in half and cut out a 12 1/2″ square around your design.
Turn the fabric right side in and hem the edges 1/4″ from the cut side leaving a 3″ opening on the last side.
Turn the pillow right side out and use Poly-Fil to stuff the pillow. Most bags come with a hand little tool to help you push the fill into the corners. It also helps to periodically stop and “massage” the pillow to remove any lumps. Continue to fill the pillow until it is very full, almost overfilled.
After fully stuffing the pillow, pin the opening and sew closed either by hand or on your sewing machine. That’s it! You’ve just made your own Anthropologie inspired pillow for less than $10! That’s a savings of over $150!!
I hope you enjoyed this project, be sure to check out more of my ideas over at The Happier Homemaker, see you next month!
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Super cute I am featuring you tomorrow.