Clay Skull Placecards | Pretty Handy Girl

Clay Skull Place Cards

clay skull place cards title

Jaime here from That’s My Letter today getting ready for a Halloween birthday party with these clay skull place cards.  I have two kids with birthdays that straddle Halloween which is reason enough to throw a Halloween themed Sugar Skull birthday party.  We looked high and low for skull shaped place cards and finally decided to make our own.

I used oven bake clay which is super easy, fun, and allows you to make any shape you desire.  We used white clay to mimic skulls but the color options are endless!

clay skull place cards 1

I attached the clay skulls to black goblets which serve as place cards and prevent the kids from mixing up their drinks!  When the party is over, simply insert a key chain and the kids can take home the clay skull as a favor.

(I’ve included affiliate links for your convenience. I earn a small percentage from a purchase using these links. There is no additional cost to you. You can read more about affiliate links here.)


Step 1: Print out clip art skull (use this one or search google for your favorite) and cut out.

clay skull place cards step 1

Step 2: Roll out the oven bake clay to approximately 1/8″ thickness and large enough for your skull pattern.

clay skull place cards step 2

Step 3: Place the skull pattern on top of clay and cut around outside edges using an x-acto knife.

clay skull place cards step 3

Step 4: Make a hole for ribbon or key chain using a plastic straw.  You can also depress the clay where the eye sockets should be using a pinky finger.

clay skull place cards step 4

Step 5: Bake as directed on clay packaging.

clay skull place cards step 5

Step 6: Clean up rough edges using sandpaper for a smooth finish.

clay skull place cards step 6

Step 7: Using acrylic paint add names.  Tie onto glasses with ribbon or insert a key chain.

clay skull place cards step 7

Ready for your next Halloween party!

clay skull place cards 2

The name tags make a cute keychain favor after the party and look great on their backpacks!

clay skull key fobs

Thanks for reading along and I hope you enjoyed this quick craft.

Jaime signature~Read more of Jaime’s tutorials~

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These easy DIY skull placecards are the perfect addition to your Halloween party! | Pretty Handy Girl #prettyhandygirl #seasonal #party #craft #DIY

2 replies
  1. Travis Knoll
    Travis Knoll says:

    So simply and so adorable decoration. With this article you remembered me on school days when we were making braces of clay, and then painted them with tempera colors and after color was completely dry we applied clear coat.


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  1. […] so I came up with these clay skull place cards: I’m sharing all the details over at Brittany’s blog Pretty Handy Girl.  It’s a easy craft even the kids could manage.  I attached the clay skulls to […]

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