
Quite Possibly the Most Comfortable Boots Ever – Bogs Boots

I get a lot of emails asking me if I want to try XYZ or ABC product. If the products work with my blog or I think I can use them in a project, I accept. However, if I don’t like the product, you won’t hear about it here. So, when a Bogs representative contacted me, I was skeptical if I would be writing a review. Especially because I have a hurt big toe from a common malady: Cute Shoe Syndrome. That’s right, I found some cute boots and wore them until I think I did damage to my foot. Therefore I’ve switched back to my clogs and “healthier” shoe options for my feet. But who knew that I could have both cute and comfortable in one shoe!

I have another confession about my feet, well rather my ankles or lack thereof. It’s true, I am genetically cursed with cankles (you know, where your calf just ends into your foot leaving no cute thin ankles.) So, boots and some higher backed shoes don’t always fit my feet.

Sorry about all the whining, but I just wanted you to understand where my feet are coming from so you can fully appreciate these boots.

I think Bogs were designed by higher beings, because these boots are heavenly!

I wore them all weekend while working on my garage makeover. The temps were in the high 60’s so at the end of the day my feet were sweating a bit (truth be told I was sweating all over because I was doing some mad building.) BUT, my feet weren’t cold from the sweat.

AND, my feet weren’t sore; they weren’t tired; they were happy feet!!!

The boots I tried are the Classic High Tuscany boots. I wore them in the creek. I wore them while working in the workshop. I even wore them on a very cold and rainy Halloween night.

The Bogs tread is designed to wipe itself clean.

But, if they do get dirty, all they need is a little rinse and they are as good as new!

I didn’t have any chafing, no sore toe, and the boot doesn’t pinch or squeeze my cankles. 😉 In fact, they hide those unsightly things.

To walk in a pair of Bogs is like walking on clouds. The best analogy I can make about the Bogs is that they are like a very comfortable boot that wears and feels like a croc. Yet, you can look fashionable while wearing them. I’m wearing them every chance I get now.

There are many different styles to choose from! Bogs make shoes for your whole family! Small ones, tall ones, short ones, and stylish ones. I dare you to pick just one pair!

169 replies
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  1. Nik
    Nik says:

    Following Bogs on Twitter & linking this giveaway.

    I’m thinking these might be a perfect solution to my mom’s problem of leaky boots. Could be in her Christmas basket if she’s a good girl.

  2. Nik
    Nik says:

    Ok miss Pretty Handy Girl.. how did you get all up in my mind? I’ve been searching for some cute, water-resistant boots on the less exxie side.. y’know, less than Wellies, and these are not only less money, but super cute!

    Looking through I’d say my fav is the floral printed ones. “Classic High Le Jardin” in the blues, greens and grays would go sooo well with my winter wardrobe. I’ll be looking chic while shoveling!

  3. hi-d
    hi-d says:

    This contest has pulled me out of “lurkdom” and I will leave a comment! I do enjoy your blog very much, so thank you first off for taking the time to share. 🙂

    I would love the classic High Tuscan boots too. My rain boots are falling apart due to “over use” and I’ve been on the hunt for some new ones. But I have big feet and it’s difficult to find any. I was very happy to see that they carry size 11 in these! I’m 6 feet tall and would probably fall over if my feet weren’t that big!! 🙂

  4. Tati
    Tati says:

    I haven’t heard of these either and they are really cute! I think my favorite for me is the Classic Mid Le Jardin, the classic high daisy for my girls!

  5. Krista Bean
    Krista Bean says:

    Tough choice between Alex II (both styles), Rider Emboss, and Classic High Tuscany…all great, and perfect for wet Chicago fall weather. Thanks for this awesome opportunity!

  6. Deborah Breining
    Deborah Breining says:

    I could not resist the Alex II. Never heard of this company before but I will definitely go back. Living in the Pacific Northwest you are always looking for a great rain boot. I think I found them.

  7. Kat Moss
    Kat Moss says:

    I LOVE the Classic High Tuscany in purple…that would be fabulous for the wet Tulsa fall/winter/spring! And my poor little feet would love a comfortable boot. I, too, have feet that have suffered from too many years of Cute Shoe Syndrome and now have to wear comfort footwear. I highly recommend Clark’s…

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