Ahem, may I have the drumroll please?
…and the winning number chosen by Random.org is:
And for everyone else, don’t be blue. I was a busy beaver in September and stood up to Robin’s Stashbusting Challenge. So, when I saw this tutorial written by Jorja over at Puking Pastilles (Great name! Don’t you think? Any other Harry Potter fans?) I knew this was a great way to bust some of my fabric scraps.
I took some of these:
And a few of these:
And cut them like this:
Then did a little of this:
To make this:
And because I already had my stash out, I also made these:
But, I put the most effort and love into this one:
Because it is for someone very special to me! You!
I will choose one of my followers (via Google Friend Follower or FeedBurner) to receive a Pretty and Handy CD/DVD visor wallet. So, you too can roll around town with one of these:
But, wait! There’s more! Inside one of the sleeves will be tucked one of these:
And the best part is that if you are already a follower you will be eligible. You don’t have to do ANYTHING! No tweets, no likes, no comments, nada, zilch, nothing.
One of my Pretty Handy Assistants (Boy #1 and Boy #2) will choose a follower for me at the end of October. So, if you aren’t a follower, head over to my side bar and either click the “Follow” button or add your email address to the FeedBurner subscriber box.
Thanks again to all my readers. I wish you good luck in October!
Now, I have officially said goodbye to Summer. Sniff, sniff.