Writing Name in Sand Art | Pretty Handy Girl
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Writing in the Sand Picture

This is a fun project to do with your kids (or by yourself) while you are at the beach.

Collect some cool shells, beach glass or driftwood. Use a broken shell with a sharp edge to write your name or message in the sand. Decorate your scene with the shells, etc. Take oodles of pictures. Try different angles and different distances.

When you get home pick out your favorite. And then you can use your favorite photo editing software or one of these great free websites Picnik or Sumo Paint– to make color corrections, cropping, etc.

Print your picture out and put it in a cute frame.

I debated whether or not to add shells and sea glass to the outside of the frame. The kids voted and we decided to add them with hot glue (or you could use E-6000) to the frame.

Then hang your sign on a door or set it up on your desk. You be the boss!

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  1. Ricci
    Ricci says:

    I know you this did years ago but I just came across your sand bowl tutorial and when I saw this idea I thought hmmmm why just a photo of it why not do the same thing as the bowls but on something flat and so I tried and now instead of the ocean waking it away I have it forever! 🙂 thank you for your ideas and tutorial 🙂


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