No Solicitors Sign
No Solicitors Sign
We live on a quiet street in a peaceful neighborhood in Raleigh. Unfortunately, every so often, my son’s peaceful naps were interrupted by: DING DONG! And when I answered the door, this is who greeted me.
I finally decided to halt the door-to-door salespeople in their tracks. Especially after a neighbor informed me that sometimes these so-called salespeople aren’t actually selling anything. There have been a few incidents of burglary in our neighborhood, and one of the burglars had actually knocked on doors the day before. Apparently he was casing the home to see what homes were empty at what times. Plus, it offered them an opportunity to peek inside and see if there were any valuable items inside. Scary! Especially when I’m home alone with the little ones.
I decided to take matters into my own hands and create a No Solicitor Sign.
While at Goodwill, I searched for two small picture frames. The frames I bought were in good shape, but I added some new paint and glaze to give them a fresh look.
I printed out a simple message on decorative paper and inserted it into the frames.
No Solicitors! Unless:
- You are a Girl Scout.
- You are a Boy Scout.
- You live on this street
- You are a friend of ours
This message seemed to cover all the bases and still allow for the kids selling muchies!
I hung one sign by our side door.
And put a second one inside the storm door of our front door.
I can honestly say that we have not had a single unwanted salesperson knock or ring our doorbell since I hung the signs.
I’m not the only one who can’t stand solicitors, Becca from Blue Cricket Design cut some vinyl for her side light by her front door. I can’t help but smile every time I see it. 😉
Want your own No Solicitor Sign? Download it HERE!
I stumbled onto your blog while looking for a nicer no soliciting sign that I could make myself. I live in Raleigh as well and we have an abundance of annoying visitors in our neighborhood. I just wanted to say I’m glad I stumbled here because I really like your blog!
Thanks again for the sign!!!!!!! I had occasion today to print one out -ugh!! It is now ready for the next time. Although, my windows next to the door are a bit recessed and I will have to find a better place. I will not be caught off-guard again!
Love it. I am glad yours is working for you. I only just put mine up so we’ll see. I’m really not a mean person but you’ve gotta draw the line.
Thanks. I had man yesterday that made me so angry that it made me go on a google search for a no soliciting sign. This is perfect. I am making my sign today.
we don’t get many solicitors around here. When we do, they are very, VERY pushy and annoying! I don’t feel the need to put up a sign, but I doubt a sign would even stop some of them!
Brilliant! I love the list.
When I hear all your tales of salesmen I thank my lucky stars for living so far off the beaten path. In fact, if they actually ventured out to my house I might have to listen to they’re speach just for making the effort! haha
We have a no soliciting sign hanging right above the doorbell and it doesn’t seem to register with anyone. We still have sales people, religious groups, and others ringing our doorbell. :/
Ahhh, wonderful idea! I don’t like solicitors at my door either. I usually don’t answer the door if I don’t recognize the person, but hanging a sign might prevent them from ringing the doorbell in the first place. I’ll have to consider this. Thanks!
great post, thank you for sharing your pdf… sad that we live in a world where people think it’s ok to releave others of their belongings… I think your sign is completely wonderful!
Such a great idea!!! I am lucky enough to live where there aren’t really solicitors, but should I run into this problem I will definitely have to adapt this idea.
We live in Raleigh too. Quite scary to see the solicitors come around! And the sign at the front of the neighborhood doesnt steer them away.
What a great idea for the front door. I just cleared our target of their clearance frames… I could use one of those! Did you seal it?
Great article. I never would have thought that someone knocking on the door is just a reason to see who’s home/who isn’t and what stuff they have. I’m going to tell my dad about this, too. We live in an apartment complex, so we’re fairly lucky that way. We don’t get soli citors. There is a co u ple that goes door to door and sells homemade tamales. I always purchase from them 🙂 🙂 Your sign is really creative. The one from Blue Cricket Design is also creative and makes me laugh 🙂 🙂 Thanks for the awesome project and safety tip!!! Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather 😉
I love this! We get solicitors all the time. I even have a rock next to my front door that says “No Solicitors”. They don’t pay attention to it. I think I’m going to try this one to see if it has effect on them. I hate solicitors. I always look out the window to see who it is before I answer-don’t recognize them then I don’t answer. I’ve told my kids not to answer the door once they have looked out the window and don’t recognize the person. Thank you for the great idea!
Love the sign, thanks for sharing the print. Although our subdivision has a No Soliciting sign at the entrance, it doesn’t stop ’em. Maybe this sign will 🙂