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Install Your Own Magnetic Metallic Backsplash a #LowesCreator Idea

Last week I shared with you some of the changes I made when Woman’s Day announced they were sending a photographer to shoot my garage. The back wall of my workbench was rough plywood, which results in sawdust particles attaching to it like velcro. I needed a sleeker and more industrial solution. But, I didn’t want to spend a lot of money (because this is the garage after all!)

I liked the idea of being able to pin things onto the back wall, so I thought a magnetic board would be the perfect backsplash.Let me tell you my frugal secret source for sheet metal: You can buy sheets of thin magnetic metal in the duct work aisle at Lowe’s!

These flat metal sheets are only $9.34 and are easy to cut with tin snips. Just bring a magnet with you to double check that they are magnetic because I’ve heard that some sources are not.

Here are the materials you will need to install a magnetic sheet metal backsplash:


(I’ve included affiliate links for your convenience. I earn a small percentage from a purchase using these links. There is no additional cost to you. You can read more about affiliate links here.)


Measure the height and width of the backsplash area.

Transfer the measurements onto the flat metal sheets and cut with tin snips. Be sure to wear your gloves to protect your hands from the sharp metal edges.

Test fit the cut panel. Make any adjustments to the sheet as needed.

Measure the location of any outlets or light switches and transfer the location onto the cut sheet metal.

Alternatively, you could rub a little paint or lipstick onto the outlet and press your sheet onto the outlet (more details on marking an outlet location can be found in this post.)

Use a drill and large drill bit to cut holes in the sheet metal where the outlet box will peek through. (Sidenote: I tried to use my larger spade bits, but the metal rendered them useless. If anyone has a better solution, I’m all ears.)

Insert the tin snips into the holes and cut from hole to hole.

This was definitely not the easiest task. As you can tell, the edges of the metal got bent. I hammered them flat again with a hammer.

Hold the sheet metal up against the wall. If you don’t have a helper around, use some painter’s tape as an extra hand.

Take a good look at the sheet metal and the wires in the outlet. There should be some space between the sheet metal and the wiring. If you need to make some adjustments, trim a little more off the metal. Or turn the power off, and tuck any exposed wires back into the box so there is no way it can touch the sheet metal and create an electrocution hazard.

Drive the sheet metal screws (I used self-drilling hex washer screws) into the sheet metal at all four corners.

Add a few more screws at the top and bottom of the sheet metal.

Butt additional panels up to each other to complete the backsplash.

To make matching outlet covers, prime and spray them with chrome paint.

Add the outlet covers back onto the outlets.

Tack up some fun things on your magnetic backsplash using strong magnets. Are you in love with the industrial sheet metal look?

The new backsplash is so much easier to keep clean! And I like being able to tack things on the wall.

Extra paint chips and color palettes add some much needed color to the otherwise all white cabinets.

I also added some small conduit hooks and threaded a roll of white paper onto a rod. This is now a backdrop when I’m photographing projects in the garage.

I hope this tutorial helps you add your own metal backsplash somewhere. I think it would be equally fun in a craft room or a shed.

Have a great week! I’m headed to Haven on Wednesday and hope to see some of you other home bloggers there.

Disclosure: I have partnered with Lowe’s as a Lowe’s Creative Influencer. I was provided with a Lowe’s gift card to complete my project. The tutorial, photos and opinions expressed in this post are my own. I was not told what to write. #LowesCreator

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  1. Rhonda Williamson
    Rhonda Williamson says:

    I am looking for a metal backsplash behind the stove and sink in my motorhome. I envision little magnetic cups of spices and cooking utensils attached to it. Would you recommend this?

    I adore Lowes and will definitely shop there.


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