
How We Fell for Our Home

Hooray, February is here. This is the month of love (and chocolate!!! But, I digress.)

I have a funny story to tell you about our home. We actually fell in love with our house before we owned it.

This story starts during a torrential downpour in 2001. We were driving around with our realtor looking at homes in Raleigh. The rainstorm turned ugly and our realtor pulled into the first neighborhood he could find. As he drove carefully down the tree lined streets, we saw a For Sale sign ahead.  As we drove closer, we saw a handsome two story home on a hill.

The landscaping was well manicured and there was an adorable little side porch.

Our realtor called the office to find out the details on the home. It turns out that the owners were asking 5K over our maximum search. The interior was equally well cared for, so the next day we put an offer on the house and moved in within 2 months.

We didn’t realize how lucky we were to have found this house on a perfect little cul-de-sac. As the months progressed, we got to know all our neighbors on the street. Each and every one of them were warm and welcoming and oozed southern charm.

As the years went by we welcomed our first son into our house and then a second.

The home office, that we had renovated and installed built-in cabinets and a window seat into, became the nursery.

Feeling the pinch of squeezing all four of us, a dog and a home business into a three bedroom house, we began to look at other homes in the neighborhood, but dreaded having to move away from our location (did I mention how much we love our street?)

None of the other houses lived up to our picky needs (again, loved our street!)

Pretty Handsome Guy and I talked between ourselves about the one house on the street that we would love to live in. It was the charming dutch colonial house across the street.

He said, “Heaven forbid that our neighbors would ever move, but if they did we’d have to buy their house.”

And one day that is exactly what happened. It was such a bittersweet moment because we really adored our neighbors and their children. And we didn’t want them to move away. But, we basically said, “Tell us how much you want for your house.”

Three months later, we literally backed out of our old driveway and straight into our new one! (Sadly we didn’t win the Guiness Book’s shortest move on record.)

Our new home needed some updating and a little TLC, but we still loved it! It fits our style (old, casual, comfortable.)

We have slowly transformed one room at a time to fit our personality and allow us to “love” the inside of our house as much as we love the outside.

Office Before

Office After

Living Room Before

Living Room After

Guest Room Before

Living Room After

This month I’ll be sharing some ideas for turning your house into your dream home. Plus, I have a special giveaway announcement as well. But, you’ll just have to be patient.

I hope you’ll come back for some a-moré.
40 replies
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  1. Jess @ Frugal with a Flourish
    Jess @ Frugal with a Flourish says:

    Love this! When the hubby and I first got married we moved from my one bedroom apartment to the two bedroom that it shared a wall with! Literally walked in an out with handfuls of stuff!! I think both of your homes are just beautiful – and you know what it is all about location, location, location!

  2. Miranda
    Miranda says:

    I found your blog tonight through Today's Creative Blog and love your projects–esp the mousetrap note holder and the dandelion wall art. I saw pics of Topsail Beach in one post–is that Topsail Beach, NC? My parents lived in Jacksonville for over 30 years.

  3. Daisy
    Daisy says:

    wow wow wow – just found your blog today through "todayscreativeblog.net" – and your blog title says it all – you are soooo handy – and as Kim says, wish you were my neighbour ! thanks for the inspiration.

  4. Dawn
    Dawn says:

    Aww, that's great that y'all had such a short move! We did that in 2007 – we have an old 100+-year-old Victorian that was renovated (before we bought it) into a 6-plex; we lived there (with tenants) until the house next door came up for sale, then moved right next door and rented out the entire 6-plex.

    Our ultimate goal, once a big box of money falls from the sky, is to kick out all the tenants and fix up the original house into its original form, then use our current house (the original Mother-in-law house to the Victorian) as a guest house. Meanwhile, I am trying to "fall in love" with the tiny house we're currently in until that happens, so I'm getting lots of great ideas from your blog! Love it!

    Next big project: installing a half-bath in the closet under our stairs!

  5. Richella
    Richella says:

    "Fall in love with your home." What a great way to think of it!

    I love the story of how you found your house. And it's fun to read about how you're making it your own. Obviously you're doing a great job!

    Hope you're enjoying this week back at home with your fellows! 🙂

  6. Heather@The Black's Best
    Heather@The Black's Best says:

    That is the best that you got your dream hpuse. I love the dutch colonial look too, and everything you have done so far is beautiful!

  7. Jackie
    Jackie says:

    I got your link through Today's Creative Blog and I love it! It's inpsiring me to get going on some of the projects around the house I've been wanting to do! Love your story!


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  1. […] Intro: A brief little story about how we fell in love with our home before we lived in it. […]

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