How to Build a Chunky X Farmhouse Table

How to Build a Chunky X Farmhouse TableHow to Build a Chunky X Farmhouse Table

There’s something about 4×4 lumber that makes furniture look amazing. Maybe it’s the sturdiness, maybe it’s the shape. Whatever it is, I love it! A friend of mine recently asked me to build her a new dining table, and I was happy to oblige. She liked the X-Base Pedestal table I built my sister, but wanted a rectangular shape with a heftier top. So I edited the plans a bit to make two straight bases with a stretcher, and used some posts around planked 1×12’s for a beautiful, solid table. It’s certainly heavy enough to last a lifetime! In this post we are gonna learn How to Build a Chunky X Farmhouse Table.

How to Build a Chunky X Farmhouse Table

The base uses the same measurements from Ana’s plan. I decided to use 2×6’s for the top and bottom to make it even more sturdy looking.

How to Build a Chunky X Farmhouse Table

Another nice change this time was splurging on pretty hardware. I used 5″ lag screws instead of screws, and it really does lend the table a professional feel.

How to Build a Chunky X Farmhouse Table

The top was quick and easy to put together. I just have three 1×12’s planked together with kreg pocket holes, and used the same pocket holes to attach the posts. Then a few more carriage bolts on the sides help keep the posts together.

How to Build a Chunky X Farmhouse Table

This is such a gorgeous set, and may be one I have to re-create for my own dining room! I was happy to build for a friend, and love that it will have a good life in its new home.

You may want to construct the table top and the legs, then move the table into place before connecting the legs to the top. This table will be large and heavy.

Materials you’ll need to build your own Chunky X Base Table:

Please note, using nominal US lumber (i.e. 2×6’s = actual 1.5″ x 5.5″), the finished size of this table should be 41 1/2″ wide x 80″ long x 28″ tall.

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  • 3 – 2x6x8′
  • 5 – 4x4x8′
  • 3 – 1x12x8′
  • 2 – 1x3x8′


  • 44 – 1/4″ x 5″ lag screws
  • Box of 1 ¼” pocket screws
  • Box of 2½” wood screws (to assemble bases)
  • Wood glue


Cut List:

  • 4 – 2×6 @ 30″ cut at a 30 degree angle (top and bottom of table leg bases)
  • 2 – 2×6 @ 30″ cut at normal 90 degrees (spacers for on top of table leg bases)
  • 4 – 2×6 @ 6″ cut at a 45 degree angle (feet)
  • 8 – 4×4 @ 13″ cut at a 45 degree angle (cross bracing for the X shape)
  • 2 – 4×4 @ 21 ¼” (center upright support of the table legs)
  • 3 – 1×12 @73″ (table top)
  • 3 – 1×3 @ 34 ½″(cut this after your 1×12’s are attached to be sure of measurement as 1×12’s can be 11 ¼” to 11 ½”)
  • 2 – 4×4 @ 80″ (long border pieces for table top)
  • 2 – 4×4 @ 34 ½″ (cut this after your 1×12’s are attached to be sure of measurement)
  • 1 – 4×4 @ 61″ (stretcher to connect table legs. Cut after legs and table top are built later in instructions).


Important Note: I highly recommend pre-drilling all holes before driving lag bolts or screws. Choose drill bits that are slightly smaller than your screws and lag bolts. This will prevent the wood from splitting.


Lay the 1×12’s on a flat surface.

How to Build a Chunky X Farmhouse Table

Connect three  1” x 12” x 73” with several pocket screws (adding wood glue at the joints) as roughly shown below.

How to Build a Chunky X Farmhouse Table

Add additional pocket screws along the perimeter of this table top surface for connecting to the 4×4 border lumber.

Cut two 4×4’s to the same width as your 1×12’s now that they are joined. The measurement should be close to 34 ½”. Cut your three 1×3 cross pieces to the same width.

How to Build a Chunky X Farmhouse Table

Drive two lag screws through the corners of the 4″ x 4″ x 80″ lumber into the two 4x4s you just cut. Then secure the three 1×3 cross pieces (using wood glue and/or the 1 ¼” screws) you just cut to the underside of the 1″ x 12″ boards. Space them evenly for the best support, but leave space on the outer edges of your table top for connecting the legs later.


Use four 2 ½” wood screws driven through the 2″ x 6″ x 30″ top and bottom pieces to connect to the 4″ x 4″ x 21 ¼” upright support.

How to Build a Chunky X Farmhouse TableHow to Build a Chunky X Farmhouse Table

Attach the 4″ x 4″ x 13″ angled pieces to the top and bottom 2″ x 6″s and the upright supports using lag screws (two into the top and bottom of each 4″ x 4″ angled into the 2″ x 6″ pieces.)

How to Build a Chunky X Farmhouse Table

How to Build a Chunky X Farmhouse Table

Attach the 2″ x 6″ x 6″ feet to the bottom of the table legs with four 2 ½” wood screws on each foot.

How to Build a Chunky X Farmhouse Table

Repeat for the other table legs. Your table legs should look like this:

How to Build a Chunky X Farmhouse Table

Attaching Table-Top to Legs:

Use 2 ½” wood screws to attach the 2×6 @ 30″ spacers to the underside of the table top where the legs will eventually attach. (This will elevate the table top so you can see all of the table leg as shown when the table top is secured.)

How to Build a Chunky X Farmhouse Table

Measure the inside dimension of the table top from one spacer to the other. Cut the last 4×4 to this length (should be approximately 62″.) Attach the two table legs to the 4″ x 4″ x 62″ stretcher and two lag bolts through each leg and into the stretcher as shown below.

How to Build a Chunky X Farmhouse Table

Add the table top and secure the legs to the spacers with 2 ½” wood screws through each leg top into the spacer.

How to Build a Chunky X Farmhouse Table

And your table is built!


To build benches for your table, you can follow Shanty 2 Chic’s X farmhouse benches which are the same style.

I hope you liked this tutorial for How to Build a Chunky X Farmhouse Table. Be sure to have a helper on hand to help you move this beast! It is definitely made rock solid.

Brooke Signature

~ Read more of Brooke’s Tutorials ~

If you liked this tutorial, you’ll love the instructions to build your own farmhouse table.

How to Build a Table | Pretty Handy Girl

Or How to Build an Indoor/Outdoor Modern Bench:

Building a dining bench with 2x4s and wood glue


91 replies
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  1. Matt
    Matt says:

    Do you screw into the table top to secure it to the legs from the top going down? I got all the way thru the build and got stuck there

  2. Ben
    Ben says:

    Do you have any recommendations on staining and sealing? Specifically the legs. Should I assemble then disassemble the leg to stain and seal, then reassemble? Stain and seal before assembly or after assembly?

  3. Amber Smith
    Amber Smith says:

    We made the table, the 2 1/2 inch screws did go through the top. >:( So we had to wood putty and switched to 2 inch screws.

  4. Justin
    Justin says:

    When making I checked the 2 1/2 inch screws for attaching the spacers to the tabletop and they look like they will poke through the top And if I don’t screw in all the way the leg won’t sit flat on them

  5. David Long
    David Long says:

    Hi there. Is there a video walking you through all the steps required to build this amazing looking table? I would love to build this table but would feel more comfortable actually watching someone perform all the steps. Thank you

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