Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems | OMG! So funny, you have to read this. | Pretty Handy Girl
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Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems – Guest Post by Pretty Handsome Guy

Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems | OMG! So funny, you have to read this. | Pretty Handy Girl

Hi all, Pretty Handsome Guy here filling in for Brittany. Last night Brittany and I were wrapping presents and I thought I’d share with you some common gift wrap problems and how to deal with them.  Think of this as the polar opposite of her Creative Gift Wrapping series of posts.

The Squish and Tape and Tape and Tape

Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems | OMG! So funny, you have to read this. | Pretty Handy Girl

Do you ever end up with a present that hangs out of the wrapping paper?

Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems | OMG! So funny, you have to read this. | Pretty Handy Girl

No problem, simply squish the gift inside the packaging as far as you can…

Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems | OMG! So funny, you have to read this. | Pretty Handy Girl

…and quickly fold over the end and slap on some tape. Then use some more tape to close the gaps,

Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems | OMG! So funny, you have to read this. | Pretty Handy Girl

and just for good measure add some more tape. Hey, tape is cheap, no need to be stingy with it!

Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems | OMG! So funny, you have to read this. | Pretty Handy Girl

All done, and the goal of hiding the present has been achieved!

The Panel (not to be confused with the type of pants pregnant women wear.)

Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems | OMG! So funny, you have to read this. | Pretty Handy Girl

How many times have you cut your wrapping paper only to realize that it is too short to go around the package? When it comes to wrapping presents I adhere to the adage “measure never, just cut it”.  I mean seriously people we aren’t building a house here, what you are wrapping is meant to be destroyed anyways.

Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems | OMG! So funny, you have to read this. | Pretty Handy Girl

Here is the solution! It is called the panel. Simply cut another piece of wrapping paper the width of the gap (or maybe a little wider.)

Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems | OMG! So funny, you have to read this. | Pretty Handy Girl

Tape it on (no need to match up the pattern, no one will see the bottom when it is under the tree.). Bonus points if you can manage to use 2-3 different types of wrapping paper – just tell everyone it is a “holiday medley”.

Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems | OMG! So funny, you have to read this. | Pretty Handy Girl

Super easy solution and the best part is that you don’t have to go back and cut a whole new piece of wrapping paper.  The environment will thank you for this one.

The Nip, Tuck & Roll

Now we are down to one of the most common wrapping problems. What to do when you have too much wrapping paper on the ends of your package.  And yes I realize most of these “problems” are a function of not measuring in the first place but whatever.

Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems | OMG! So funny, you have to read this. | Pretty Handy Girl

Normally I would simply roll the sides in until they meet the package, but in an effort to neaten things up a bit, you can simply gather the end in your hands and snip off the excess.

Now simply fold in the end towards the box.
Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems | OMG! So funny, you have to read this. | Pretty Handy Girl
Continue to roll the paper in…

…until you reach the box, then smash the end down with your hand to flatten it.

Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems | OMG! So funny, you have to read this. | Pretty Handy Girl
And tape your end down.
Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems | OMG! So funny, you have to read this. | Pretty Handy Girl
Done. Problem solved, any questions?
Adding a Gift Tag (bet you’ve never seen it done this way!)
Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems | OMG! So funny, you have to read this. | Pretty Handy Girl
I found the little key tags that Brittany bought for tagging her presents. Creative idea and all but sheesh a lot more work than a stick-on “To/From” tag.  But I devised a new way to attach them to the gift without ribbon.
Simply grasp a corner of your package and use a hole punch to make a hole in the gift wrap.
Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems | OMG! So funny, you have to read this. | Pretty Handy Girl

Then take a piece of tape and twist it into what I call a “tapepick” (looks like a toothpick.)

Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems | OMG! So funny, you have to read this. | Pretty Handy Girl
Thread the “tapepick” into the hole you made in your gift wrap.
Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems | OMG! So funny, you have to read this. | Pretty Handy Girl
Then grab another piece of tape and fold it over the ends of your tapepick to secure them.
Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems | OMG! So funny, you have to read this. | Pretty Handy Girl
That’s it. Thanks for reading my post today. Hopefully Brittany will invite me back to show you how I make a bed in less than 10 seconds!
– Pretty Handsome Guy

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how to fix common gift wrapping problems
43 replies
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  1. Cheryl
    Cheryl says:

    Love it! Your post brought back memories of receiving gifts wrapped like yours….but mine also contained lots of duct tape. One year, I found a gift addressed to me and the ‘from’ said “Love, Santa”.

  2. Erin Fesperman
    Erin Fesperman says:

    This is exactly how I wrap gifts. I STRUGGLE – and I have no clue why. I can bake, draw, etc etc etc – Heck, I can even keep it in the lines when I’m coloring (go me!) but when it comes to a box, paper, tape, ribbon and scissors – I’m screwed. My 3 year old niece wraps better than I do.

  3. Cherie
    Cherie says:

    That is too funny. I have seen my Handsome Man and my kids wrap presents like that.
    Thank you for the laugh and to know it is ok to wrap presents like this 😉



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  1. […] last idea is one of my favorites. It’s all about Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems and it’s written by Pretty Handsome Guy at a time when Brittany got sick with a bad cold. […]

  2. […] you to my dear Pretty Handsome Guy for his guest post. I’m glad you all enjoyed a good laugh at his […]

  3. […] It doesn’t have to be pretty to be function. Just ask Pretty Handsome Guy, since this does remind me a LOT of that post he wrote for me. […]

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  5. […] It doesn’t have to be pretty to be function. Just ask Pretty Handsome Guy, since this does remind me a LOT of that post he wrote for me. […]

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