Fixing Common Gift Wrap Problems – Guest Post by Pretty Handsome Guy
Hi all, Pretty Handsome Guy here filling in for Brittany. Last night Brittany and I were wrapping presents and I thought I’d share with you some common gift wrap problems and how to deal with them. Think of this as the polar opposite of her Creative Gift Wrapping series of posts.
The Squish and Tape and Tape and Tape
Do you ever end up with a present that hangs out of the wrapping paper?
No problem, simply squish the gift inside the packaging as far as you can…
…and quickly fold over the end and slap on some tape. Then use some more tape to close the gaps,
and just for good measure add some more tape. Hey, tape is cheap, no need to be stingy with it!
All done, and the goal of hiding the present has been achieved!
The Panel (not to be confused with the type of pants pregnant women wear.)
How many times have you cut your wrapping paper only to realize that it is too short to go around the package? When it comes to wrapping presents I adhere to the adage “measure never, just cut it”. I mean seriously people we aren’t building a house here, what you are wrapping is meant to be destroyed anyways.
Here is the solution! It is called the panel. Simply cut another piece of wrapping paper the width of the gap (or maybe a little wider.)
Tape it on (no need to match up the pattern, no one will see the bottom when it is under the tree.). Bonus points if you can manage to use 2-3 different types of wrapping paper – just tell everyone it is a “holiday medley”.
Super easy solution and the best part is that you don’t have to go back and cut a whole new piece of wrapping paper. The environment will thank you for this one.
The Nip, Tuck & Roll
Now we are down to one of the most common wrapping problems. What to do when you have too much wrapping paper on the ends of your package. And yes I realize most of these “problems” are a function of not measuring in the first place but whatever.
Normally I would simply roll the sides in until they meet the package, but in an effort to neaten things up a bit, you can simply gather the end in your hands and snip off the excess.
…until you reach the box, then smash the end down with your hand to flatten it.
Then take a piece of tape and twist it into what I call a “tapepick” (looks like a toothpick.)
Oh my stars, I'm new to PHG, and am going through the archives tonight, came across this post, IMd it to my husband, and now he's dying laughing upstairs while I am dying laughing downstairs. That was pure AWESOMENESS! Thanks for the laugh!!
HILARIOUS.. you guys must have so much fun together:)
Um, absolutely hilarious!! Please post again Pretty Handsome Guy!
The fact that he's pretty handsome makes you overlook any wrapping thats not up to par! Awesome blogging!
Oh my gosh, you two are hilarious! Thank you so much for the literal out loud laughs. Good thing my Diet Dr Pepper didn't spray out my mouth and fry my keyboard and computer.
I'm still LOLing. Your husband should totally guest post more often.
~Allison @ House of Hepworths
TOO funny! 🙂 Thanks for the 'tips'! Hope your Christmas was perfect and that Brittany is feeling better!
Thank you so much for the good laugh–that post was hilarious!! Even more so because My Man wraps much the same way!
Written and illustrated like a true master. Glad to know that the few presents that I have wrapped, I have done correctly.
John Marble
I love it! I have to admit that Pretty Handy Guy's approach is very similar to my own approach when I just get lazy and am sick of wrapping. He's right…the idea is to cover the present right? They are just going to rip into it soon enough so does it really matter what it looks like???? Kind of like lingerie! Haha!
You did an awesome job of filling in for Pretty Handy Girl. Hope she gets to feeling better very soon.
Hi Pretty Handsome Guy-
What a cute post. Made me smile big time. Doesn't mattter how the wrapping looks – it was wrapped with lots of love and that is all that matters. Loved this post. I hope you and Brittany had a wonderful Christmas.
My best- Diane
My favorite post of the season!! It's refreshing to see perfection fly out the window. Leaves a bit of wriggle room for the rest of us.
Really cute post. Looking forward to the upcoming bed making in 10 seconds!
LOVE IT! I applied many of these techniques myself this year! I even put my finger through the paper after I was done with the package and just ignored it! Looking back, I see I could have benefited from the use of one of those little key tags, it would have fit right through the hole!