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PrettyHandyGirl (at) gmail.com
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We are building in a development and had selected Craftsman Back Band Casing. However, they installed the wrong casing before we could see it. They installed 1 x 4 MDF Butt joint with a 1/4 inch overhang. Will they be able to add the back band (should they?) or will they have to rip it all out and put in new casing. I would like to share a photo of both but I do not see where I can upload it. We are getting tight on time to closing and if it can be an easy fix, I am ok with that.
Maureen, I’m so sorry I’m just now replying. I hope you got the issue resolved. Go ahead and email me pictures if you need help still. PrettyHandyGirl @ gmail.com.
Hey Brittany!
Saw your awesome “How to make a smooth chalkboard wall” article a few years ago. Thought I’d reach out directly. Your whole page is amazing! I have a lot to learn. =)
I have those sliding closet doors right next to my desk/work station. Made of some artificial flimsy wood paneling? But the surface is pretty smooth. I study & teach math/physics so I’d be using it constantly. Looking to make educational youtube videos in the near future, teaching math & physics to children ^_^
I naively applied 2 coats of Rust-Oleum flat black chalkboard paint directly onto the doors with a foam roller, thinking the 2nd coat would “smooth over” the 1st, but of course now it’s more coarse than the surface of the closet door itself!
Wondering if you have any “quick fix” recommendations to smooth over it somehow? I was thinking maybe to sand it off much as possible, then find some super thin/smooth sheet metal or board (or even thick paper) and apply it using some(?) type of glue. Then paint over that with the foam roller.
I’m pretty inexperienced (as you might tell) in these home renovation-type projects.
REALLY appreciate any advice I could get. Thank you!
Sorry for the delayed reply. Yes, I’d sand it smooth then try adding Floetrol to your paint to get a smoother finish. It’s always a good idea to sand between coats.
Thanks for your blog and mask pattern.
I made 2 masks using a pattern with pleated folds. I made a few with another pattern. I found your pattern, and made 35 for family and friends. I made masks for public schools in Kentucky. I made 160 using your pattern.
Hi Brittany,
I want to thank you for what you are doing here on your site. I made masks for myself and family and friends and they all love it. I love it too. Your design and fit are the best!! THANK YOU. I learnt to sew through you , your instructions are easy to follow and you explain things so well!! I am so grateful to you.
Hello there,
I’m sewing your original Best Fit Mask, first for friends and family, now offering some on my website. I love your pattern best after trying quite a few! Are you still adding links on your list for those who make and offer them? I can’t see how to get on that list. If so, please let me know, thanks! And thanks for your great pattern and tutorials.
Thank you, Tonia
You need to email me and I’ll get your information.
Hi Brittany! I was just looking through photos of front door colors online and saw (hopefully) your house – you mentioned you liked the previous owners purple color on the front door so you just kept it. Please, please, let this be you! I hope your house is a very light green with the purple door. If so would you so very kindly send me the names of both the colors you used? My house is a pale green and we’re looking for a good purple to go with it because what we chose isn’t right. I’ll take the name of both colors even if the body of your house isn’t light green because they look so nice together!
Thank you!
The Purple was called Purple Honor (from Duron.) Our siding is a warm gray and has been that color. You are probably seeing the green reflecting from the landscaping in our yard. Here’s the link to the paint colors throughout the house (interior and exterior.) https://prettyhandygirl.com/paint-colors-home/. And this is a popular post of different door colors: https://prettyhandygirl.com/32-colorful-doors-adore/
I think this is a great mask, but I have trouble fitting in the lining and filter pocket. My filter pocket always seems too large. I am not the best sewer; I quilt and have done some sewing for kids, but oh how I wish you had slowed down the video when you put all three together. Any tip that might help? Still sticking with this mask. Thanks!
The tutorial is here, it will lead you along at your speed: https://prettyhandygirl.com/best-fit-facemask/. The filters aren’t easy to feed in, it helps to cut them with a slit in the top and bottom to fit around the nose and chin seams.
Thank you Brittany for an excellent pattern and instructions!
The coffee bag “peel and stick ties” are available at ULine.com
Product #S-12362BL (5 1/2”) and S-12363BL (7”). Bags of 1,000.
They provide a solid nose piece and hold their shape well.
Just wondering if you have any ideas for the nose piece on the masks. I’m making lots of masks for friends and family and can’t keep buying coffee!!
I updated the nose clip material list and have links where you can buy just the ties. Plus, I added some padded options: https://prettyhandygirl.com/best-fit-facemask/
Thank you Brittany for the pattern. I will try to let you know how the sewing goes.I will have to look for headband material and I hope I can figure out the bead- fishing wire part. I think my husband and I will like the fit and I love the coffee bag wire idea! Also I am so impressed that you flip houses for a living. If I were younger, I would love it.
Thank you so much!
Do you sell them? I don’t sew but would like to buy one or two. If you don’t but know someone making your new mask please let me know. Thanks so much Judy
Link to Best Fit Mask Sellers is at the bottom of the tutorial, but here it is again: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a6yqchGZJVuaUw1K2iezY_2ABViFSjog64OmsAEtkjo/edit?usp=sharing
I first learned about your masks in a news article on my iPad today. You talked about a mask with 5/8 fold over elastic that went behind your head and neck. Do you have directions posted for that? I can’t find the article for that.
Yes, here’s the information on the Most Comfortable Best Fit Face Mask: https://prettyhandygirl.com/most-comfortable-best-fit-face-mask/
I’m dissappointed, i have no printer and i just need messurements. i loved your masks though. I’ll keep trying to find a way to messure, but might have to move on. thank you for the tutorial video
Read the tutorial carefully! There is a link to the dimensions for the Medium and the Large on this page: https://prettyhandygirl.com/best-fit-facemask/ Also, there is a tutorial for enlarging or reducing the pattern in my follow up video: https://youtu.be/DPrKpm507EU